little update

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ok, ok, i know. i haven't been updating much and i dont really have an excuse either. however, i am multitasking between a lost of things. i just finished some standardized state exams so thats going to free up some space in my schedule. but, i am joining my schools robotics and fencing team. ive never fenced before so thisll be something new. 

anyways, enough about me, lemme get to what you all wanted to hear. i am working on a chapter. i have a rough 1500 words and im a quarter way in. maybe itll be out soon, but dont get your hopes up lol. 

ps. im reading all the young dudes for the first time. right now, im on chapter 45. i hate how its written so beautifully. i hate how all the characters have such deep bonds with each other. i hate how happy they are. i hate how i know how its going to end.

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