Drama At The Great Hall

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Get ur teacups ready. This chapter has a lot of dRaMa in the middle. Ofc, I will tell u when it comes 🙃 Also, can you all do a favor and comment which ships? I still need a few more votes before I decide. I'll be going with which one has the most.

As expected, Harry sprang up in bed, Draco awaking with him.

"Shit, sorry Dray, I didn't mean to wake you up," Harry apologized once he regained his breath.

Draco laughed tiredly and told him it was fine. 

"Another nightmare?" he asked.

Harry nodded. Draco lifted Harry's face with his fingers and wiped the tears that were sliding down his face.

"What was it this time?" he asked.

"I'd rather not talk about it," Harry said dryly.

Draco nodded. "I understand, but was it anything big?"

"No..." Harry answered as he looked around the room. "You can go back to sleep, you know."

"Nah, I'd rather be up with you," Draco said, lying back down, pulling Harry with him. "I love you," Draco said.

"Love you too," Harry replied with a smile. 

Draco let out a soft sigh. "You're strong, you know? I should have been there to help—"

"And you were," Harry cut in. "You all were. Don't beat yourself up for it."

"You should take your own advice sometimes," Draco chuckled dryly, leaning in to place a kiss on Harry's forehead.

"I like it when you do that," Harry admitted.

"Then I'll do it more often, i-if you want."

Harry giggled, the sound reaching Draco's ears making him feel as if he was in heaven. (simp—)

"You should laugh and smile more — like real ones, not fake. They suit you," Draco told him.

"I'll try..."

"Hey, what time is it?"

A clock appeared on their bed and they checked the time.

"Huh, 7." Draco said.

"That's 2 hours until classes start," Harry sighed.

It was quiet for a moment before Draco said, "Hey, I- I'm sorry for yesterday. I shouldn't have lost my temper and reminded you of everything."

Harry chuckled and turned over to face his boyfriend. He placed a small kiss on his lips before saying, "It's fine. It wasn't that bad anyways."

"Liar," Draco laughed.

"I'm not. It wasn't like I had a panic attack, was it?"

"True, but still..."

They both changed into a more comfortable position — now lying on the bed, arms wrapped around each other while staring at the ceiling as if it were the most interesting thing in the world.

"You should start getting ready. You take forever with your hair and stuff," Harry laughed, finally breaking the comforting silence.

"Oh come on. I don't take that long," Draco told him. "...Ok, maybe I do. I'll go to my dorm and get ready. Should I meet you here again or eat at the Great Hall?"

"You guys could eat at the Great Hall if you want. People will start getting suspicious. Make sure you tell Pansy and Blaise too, though."

"Right, I'll do that now," Draco said before kissing over Harry's lightning shaped scar and leaving.

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