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Bright lights, loud music, the chatter of university students from all grades, and the horrendous smell of sweat were present as he made his way through the crowd, hand tightly curled around a beer bottle. Suddenly, a hand, probably on accident, shoved him to the side a little bit. He turned around to face the culprit who smiled at him apologizingly.

He didn't take it to heart. In this crowd, getting shoved was the least of his problems. Luckily he hadn't spilled his beer on anyone in the collision.

Arriving at his destination, the back door of the house, he pushed the sliding door to the side and stepped out into the fresh air. His shoulders almost immediately relaxed as he felt actual oxygen suck into his lungs instead of the crusty dusty air that was packed inside.

He liked the party, it was fun and there were a lot of nice people he could talk to, but there was a certain amount of carbon dioxide his body could take before he needed to get fresh oxygen. His friends were mad for managing to stay inside like that for hours on end. Maybe they were just more used to the parties. He was more of a drink-at-home kind of guy.

He closed the door he had come out of before scanning the backyard. There weren't many people who were alone. Only a few groups of friends whose laughter echoed in the yard nightly under the summer night sky.

It was calm if you ignored the loud music that could still be heard outside of the house. He took a seat on the porch, next to another guy who was sitting there in silence. He made sure to keep a distance to not seem like a complete freak.

He sent a quick glance towards the other person. His face wasn't completely visible, but he had black hair and a nice side-profile. He had a cigarette between his lips and was staring at his phone. "Party's not for you?" He asked, not getting a response even a minute later. Like the guy was ignoring him.

It didn't bring him down, though. With enough patience, he could work this out.

"I'm Hoseok." he then introduced himself, grinning widely, although it was likely the other guy knew who he was. Unless he wasn't from their school. Hoseok tried to seem friendly, as usual. He didn't want to scare the other off, after all. The other guy finally moved his head, turning to Hoseok still silent. The guy met his eyes for a short moment before looking around, seeming confused.

The dark-haired boy was handsome. It kind of rendered Hoseok speechless. He wasn't one to care for looks, social status and wealth were the few things he really cared for as they had been embedded into his mind since youth by his deadbeat father. But the round, deep brown eyes, button node, and pretty pink plush lips just caught him off guard. Hoseok smiled slightly as he scanned over the man's features, trying not to make it obvious he was looking.

"You're talking to me?" The low voice asked, the soft eyes meeting Hoseok's again, and took the cigarette from between his lips. He nodded at the dark-haired boy. "Who else?" he stated, glancing around. Taking a sip from the beer bottle he had enjoyed for the past half an hour. Hoseok licked his lips before smiling. "So what's your name?"

The other seemed to hesitate a little bit before letting out a small exhale, smoke escaping from his lips at the same time. "Hyungwon." The boy finally replied, relieving Hoseok from his curiosity. 

"So why are you sitting out here?" Hoseok asked, leaning back a little, eyeing the guy. Why was he alone? There must have been someone who Hyungwon could have hung with instead of sitting on the porch alone.

"You're really pretty, you know that?" Hoseok then said, taking a sip from his drink as he smiled. Hyungwon's expression stayed neutral as he looked away. "You're drunk." The low-voiced boy shook his head, placing his cigarette back between his lips.

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