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Hyungwon stared at the building in front of him, very much intimidated. He had been there a few times but never under such circumstances.

"Is he even home?" He wondered under his breath, taking a quick glance at the clock. It was almost seven in the evening and unless Hoseok had gone out, he would be home. Did Hyungwon even really want him to be home?

Maybe he should've just stayed home. It would have been easier to let the older to come up to him. Was it creepy to go to his apartment? Was it appropriate?

They didn't even talk in the studio when they saw each other. Not even a hello. There hadn't been any sort of proper contact since Monday if the whole ordeal with Hoseok's father could be called proper contact. Hyungwon barely said anything to Hoseok then too. And today at the studio he had just given another cold shoulder. If Hoseok had at one point wanted to fix this, would he still be up for it anymore?

Biting down on his bottom lip, he pulled the door open and entered the lobby. He didn't pain much attention to anything else but the sleek floor as he made his way to the elevator. He pressed the button to get it down, raising his head to look at the neon numbers as the elevator came down.

The metal doors opened soon enough and Hyungwon walked in. He pressed the right floor, leaning against the wall. There was a small rumble of nervousness in his chest as the lift started moving up. He brought one of his hands up to his chest, feeling the way his heart drummed inside his ribs.

"It's going to be fine..." He sighed softly, sucking his lips in when the doors opened again to reveal the familiar hallway. His legs felt like jelly as he walked out of the small space and started moving toward the door at the end of the hallway.

Once Hyungwon was standing before the door that felt much more intimating than before he just swallowed. He tried to keep his hand from shaking as he raised it to ring the doorbell. Even if he knew the code it would be definitely wrong to use it now.

Taking a few shaky steps back in case the other opened the door harshly. Hyungwon stood in complete silence for a few moments, chest almost heaving, waiting for the door to open and reveal the bright-smiled Hoseok Hyungwon knew.

But the door stayed unmoving allowing Hyungwon some peace. Maybe he wasn't home after all? His eyes trailed down to the keypad on the door and he licked his lips carefully. He really shouldn't do it but...

He moved closer, hands still trembling as he started poking in the code. It felt like an eternity after he had put in the numbers that the lock let out a sound as a red light flashed. Hyungwon's stomach dipped horridly. He did it again only to get the same result.

His lips parted a little bit before he shut his mouth. Of course, Hoseok would change the code. Why wouldn't he? He had no reason to keep it the same one it had been. He really didn't want Hyungwon to just end without announcing himself first.

He swallowed again, feeling a strain in his throat. It undeniably hurt. Hyungwon pressed his head against the door, closing his eyes for a short moment. "Fuck." he muttered, squeezing his hand into a fist and raising it to hit the door but stopped himself before the collision. He deserved this, so why was he so hurt?

His ears caught a familiar voice echoing in the stairway which made him pull away from the door. He ran to the stairs and leaned on the railing to listen more carefully. Yep. It was definitely Minhyuk. 

Hyungwon quickly moved to the elevator, pressing the button to order it but the numbers were already moving even before he pressed the button. He let out a few curses running back to the stairs quickly running up the first set right when the elevator door opened, the voices of the friend group pouring into the hallway.'

Like a Fool - HyungwonhoWhere stories live. Discover now