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The line was quite long as he stood there, waiting for his turn to order. Though he probably didn't even need to say his order since the barista probably knew it from heart thanks to him coming almost every morning for the past few years.

It was always three iced americanos and nothing else.

It eventually came to his turn and he walked forward. Flashing a smile at the young barista he said his order. The girl he knew as Soojin tapped it in quickly. "Anything else this time?" She asked, probably having noticed Hoseok looking up at the menu up on the wall in a pondering manner.

He grinned slightly. "Yeah. The lemon iced tea, a small one," he added to the order. He just wanted to get Hyungwon a drink hoping he'd like it this time. Maybe Hyungwon would curse him out, but the younger didn't have to know it was from him.

Though he probably wasn't that oblivious.

"Someone new around you? Or are you just interested in trying something new?" She asked, before saying that he could pay now. Hoseok hummed softly. "Just wanting to do a nice thing for someone who might need it." He spoke softly as he paid with his card. "Though I don't know what they like, so I'm going through trial and error." Hoseok then added, shaking his head.

"That's sweet of you. Just don't get hurt." They could be considered friends, knowing that Hoseok had the tendency to try and befriend people he found nice. And Soojin was extremely nice in his books. "I won't. He might look like he bites, but I doubt he will."

At least he hoped Hyungwon didn't bite. He just had to be careful with the pushes he gave.

"Well good luck. You'll get your drinks in a moment." Hoseok nodded his head, moving out of the line, knowing he was probably taking up people's time. Most of the customers had classes to get to, just like Hoseok had so he didn't want to hold up the line any longer.

It had been a week since the first coffee incident with Hyungwon, and he didn't get a chance to try again on Friday since the art history class on that day was in the afternoon. Hyungwon had seemed on edge on that day so Hoseok didn't dare to push him.

Although Hyungwon seemed like he was on edge every day.

If Hoseok wanted to form some sort of friendship, no matter how hopeless that thought might have seemed, he should at least let the guy be when he clearly didn't want to be engaged with.

But it was a new week and that would bring new adventures. 

He was quickly out of the lovely cafe after getting the drinks from the other worker. As always, head made sure to smile at them as he said thank you. He was always supposed to be polite, right?

He started making his way to the school, which wasn't that far away. Monday mornings were the only days Minhyuk didn't come to pick him up. Mostly because he usually visited his mother on Sunday and stayed overnight; so the chauffeur took him to school on Mondays. That way he had specifically requested to leave earlier so that he would be at the faculty building before his junior. Or anyone at that matter.

Greeting people on the way to the classroom, he quickly made it. To his relief, there weren't many students in the room yet. It made a giddy smile pop upon his face as he walked over to the spot he had seen Hyungwon sit on the previous two classes.

Hoseok walked up to the spot and took the iced tea from the brown cardboard holder in his hand. He carefully placed the plastic cup onto the desk before walking to where he had sat too. He could have taken Minhyuk's spot in the way back, but he'd have an earful from the guy.

Like a Fool - HyungwonhoWhere stories live. Discover now