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"Jooheon put the knife down." the said boy's mother commanded him after he sliced his own finger off. Hoseok just stood to the side, quietly observing the interaction. He would've offered to help with breakfast but he would definitely not be of help. Maybe even less than Jooheon was.

"Hoseok, dear. You don't just have to stand there. Go do something worth your time." Mrs. Chae spoke making Jooheon glance at the older who slowly nodded his head, taking a short step back, toward the kitchen door. "Call me if you need anything." he offered with a small smile.

Jooheon squinted his eyes slightly, turning back to his mother and whispering something that Hoseok couldn't catch. The woman just giggled softly, nodding her head.

Hoseok, deciding to do something worth his time, walked out of the space and immediately headed for the stairs. He knew something, or someone, who could easily help him pass his time while the pair cooked breakfast. That is, if that someone was awake at a nice and early 11 am.

Minhyuk and Kihyun had politely opted out of the breakfast, dying to have their time all by themselves but Hoseok wouldn't pass up on free food. Especially if it was made by Jooheon's mom.

He walked up the set of stairs and immediately lunged for Hyungwon's room. He knocked on the door, only getting a tired groan as a response. He deemed it good enough, pushing the wooden barrier open and walking in.

He immediately spotted the younger student on his bed, drowning in his two blankets. A small chuckle escaped from Hoseok's mouth as he moved closer, watching the sleeping man. Slightly creepy, but he had the intention of waking him up anyway.

Hyungwon, like usual, looked beautiful. Even with messy air and a puffy face, he still managed to mesmerize Hoseok.

The older settled down on the edge of the bed, reaching a hand to run it through Hyungwon's hair. He smoothed the messed strands down, hand halting momentarily when the other let out a deep exhale, clearly enjoying the feeling.

Honestly, while it may have seemed like it last night, Hoseok hadn't thought his plan completely through. At one point during the evening, he even considered just ditching his plan and doing it another time. But when he thought about it a little, he knew that another time wouldn't come anytime soon.

They were in Hyungwon's home. The only place Hyungwon couldn't escape from, knowing his habits of dashing away completely flustered. And considering that habit, he wouldn't be approaching Hoseok first, anyway. And Hoseok was tired of whatever game this was.

He had expected Hyungwon to slam the door in his face when he realized what was actually going on. But other than the clear shock, if not fear, on the other's face, he got a mostly good response from his little scheme.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," Hoseok spoke up, earning a low huff from the sleeping man before he turned on his side, back toward Hoseok. "Fuck off, Changkyun. It's Saturday." The response made Hoseok let out a soft laugh, shaking his head a little bit.

He then stood up and walked to the other side of the bed before laying down next to the younger. He had buried his face into the pillows. "Your mom's making breakfast." He then said, shaking the skinnier man a little bit. He figured it was going to be difficult to get the other up. "I can smell it." Hyungwon gave a gruff reply, eyes still kept shut as he probably tried to get a hold of his sleep again.

Hyungwon shuffled closer to him, probably drawn to the warmth. Hoseok allowed the other to wrap around him no questions asked. "You're never here this early." he then muttered, this time causing the older to roll his eyes. The other still must've thought he was Changkyun. Hoseok let out a soft sigh, tapping the other's side gently. "Get up." "No." Hyungwon just replied to his command, burying his face into the older chest. 

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