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He stood outside the classroom constantly glancing at the clock. He should enter but he really didn't want to so he was waiting on the final second to walk in to avoid everything. He would only get stares and glares from everyone once he showed his face. But it was also their turn to present today; a fact he had completely forgotten until last night.

Hyungwon just hoped, that the turmoil inside their group wouldn't appear in the presentation and that they could all seem professional in front of the class. He could do it, thanks to the lack of sleep and energy but he didn't know about the rest.

The bell rang for the last time, forcing him to let out a deep breath and enter the classroom. He kept his head down, avoiding making eye contact with anyone, and went to sit down. He tried to relax, not managing too well.

Maybe he should've stayed home again, avoiding this and just getting a worse grade? Was an A  really worth the mental toll? Clearly, to him, it was since he was still sitting there, instead of dashing out of the classroom like he really would have liked to be.

Hyungwon glanced at his phone when the screen lit up. It felt odd seeing it do that, considering he had had the device turned off for almost a whole week except for a few exceptions. He grabbed the device and clicked the notification that had come from the group chat.

It was just Hoseok, asking if everyone was prepared. The other two in the group sent either a thumbs up or a smiley face as confirmation, while Hyungwon stayed silent.


The artist sucked his lips into his mouth, fingers hovering over his keyboard before typing out a short and blunt response. 'whatever.' He just wanted the presentation to be over and done with so that he could go home to continue avoiding his responsibilities.

You have mid-terms next week, dumbass.

Hyungwon put his phone down when the teacher entered the room. The roll call went by in a hurry and Hyungwon zoned out as the teacher started explaining the order that they were going to go. From the oldest era to the most recent.

If Hyungwon was lucky; their group's presentation might move to Friday if everyone else has good quality presentations.

His hopes were not met as the teacher called their group up to the front with 30 minutes of class left. Hyungwon pushed himself up from his chair, sending a short glance toward his groupmates who were making their way to the front too.

Hoseok seemed to be doing well. He looked like he usually did. His clothes were straight and his hair was styled up neatly. Exactly the Hoseok he knew. Even the bruising on his face had started to go down but the older seemed to be hiding it with make-up. Minhyuk occasionally glared his way, but Hyungwon found it easier just to ignore it.

Hyungwon was glad. Seemed like the guy was moving on; which was perfect. Just proved to him that he should be able to go forward too after this project. After this, they didn't need to see each other anymore.

The presentation went fine. It could have gone better had Minhyuk actually done a proper job presenting but instead, he just read the bullet points on the slide and moved on instead of explaining what those things meant. Too bad.

Hopefully, their grade would be given individually so this bullshit won't affect Hyungwon too much.

Hyungwon was about to leave the classroom when he heard the teacher call for him. Great. Now he'd have to stay back and answer some stupid questions about how he was or if the weather was nice. It was the last thing he wanted to listen to but he didn't dare to walk out of the classroom.

Like a Fool - HyungwonhoWhere stories live. Discover now