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Walking around his home, Hoseok picked up dirty clothes from the floor haphazardly. He really should have ditched his morning workout to clean his place, but no. He had to leave the cleaning to the last minute. Hyungwon would be tapping in the cursed code any second and he had had barely any time to shower.

He wasn't sure why he was so worried about it being clean. It's not like the younger had paid much mind to it the last few times he had been over. Though they'd both been more than exhausted both times and Hoseok was even drunk once. "God damn it," he muttered, walking into the bathroom and throwing the dirty clothes into the hamper.

"Just don't let him in the kitchen and he won't see the pile of dishes." Hosoek reminded himself as he walked out of the bathroom. He scratched his head slightly frustrated. maybe he should invite his mom over for a good deep cleaning of the apartment.

Hoseok crashed down on his couch, letting out a deep exhale. He needed to relax a little. It wasn't like Hyungwon was a special guest. None of his other friends gave a damn if there were dishes around or clothes on the floor.

Do you like him?

Jooheon's voice echoed in his head and he shook his head. He had denied it at Jooheon's and he would deny the thought now. They were friends and that's... "Fuck." he let out a groan, burying his face in his hands then. 

It made no sense to like Hyungwon like that. They've only known each other for a little while. Was it even possible to develop such feelings in a short time? 

Hoseok was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the familiar beeps of the lock on his door. The door was slowly opened, the person clearly hesitating to enter on his own so Hoseok knew it was Hyungwon. If it had been his parents or other friends, they would have entered like the place was their own.

The student pushed himself off of the couch, straightened out his clothes a little before walking toward the front door. His eyes landed on Hyungwon taking off his shoes. "You're here," he spoke up first, making the other jump slightly. "You have a habit of popping out of nowhere," Hyungwon stated, squinting his eyes slightly.

Hoseok shrugged his shoulder a little bit. "Or you're just deep in thought and don't hear my footsteps." He shot back, grinning widely. Hyungwon rolled his eyes a little, walking toward Hoseok. "You could whack you with a book," he stated, making Hoseok grin even wider.

"But you won't. Because you love me." He teased, wrapping an arm around Hyungwon's shoulders and pulling him toward the living room.

"You're not terribly hungover are you?" Hyungwon asked him when they settled down on the couch. Or Hoseok did and Hyungwon took his place on the armchair. "I'm fine, don't worry. If I wasn't you wouldn't be here." He reassured the younger who nodded before taking a familiar sketchbook out of the back he had. 

"Here. I hope you can make sense of everything I wrote down. I even drew a few examples... I hope that's fine." he then said, handing the book toward Hoseok. The older nodded his head. "Of course. I'll take all the help I can get." He replied, immediately opening the book.

Everything that Hyungwon had marked in there was in red pen, contrasting well against the graphite Hoseok used to draw. What was impressive was the examples Hyungwon had drawn were in the same red pen without any eraser marks. Bastard free-handed them "You're not bad by any means, I hope you realize that. You just need fine-tuning."

"I appreciate this, really." Hyungwon smiled at his words slightly, nodding his head. "Glad I could help," he replied, leaning back in the chair visibly trying to relax. Hoseok sensed some nervousness from the moment Hyungwon came in but the younger was making an effort to be comfortable and that's all Hoseok needed. "Maybe you'll get a better grade with my help." Hoseok scoffed jokingly at the words. "As if," he replied, shaking his head a little bit.

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