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Hoseok opened the brand new text chain Hyungwon had started faster than he had ever done. He had only messaged the younger on Instagram and the group chat they had for the project but Hyungwon had never messaged him back privately unless it was to tell him off. 

So Hyungwon starting the conversation like that honestly did not sit right with Hoseok at all. Like the younger was being extra serious this time.

The senior blankly stared at his screen for a few minutes before realizing he should respond to the other guy. He answered honestly saying that he wasn't but asked if the younger was okay right after. Hyungwon immediately started typing back, stopped for a few seconds before continuing again.

"I'm fine. Nevermind."

Hoseok bit down on his bottom lip, worry making him feel dizzy in a way. Something had happened and the younger was obviously not okay even if he said he was. Hyungwon didn't use proper punctuation when he messaged the older. Ever. 

"Guys." he then stated, pushing himself up from the couch. "I have to go. My landlord texted me." he lied through his teeth. Minhyuk raised his eyebrows a bit in a questioning manner. "Is everything okay?" Hoseok nodded his head, texting Hyungwon the code to get into his apartment, telling him to just go inside. He wasn't sure why he did that, but a voice in the back of his head just told him that something was so wrong with the younger. Wrong enough to text him. "Yeah. My dad apparently came by, trying to get in.." he trailed off. He didn't feel great about lying to his best friends, especially by pulling his father into the conversation, but he felt like it was better than telling the truth at the moment.

"Do we need to come with you?" Kihyun spiked up, more than ready to shove Minhyuk off of his lap in order to get up. "No, it's fine. I can handle it." The oldest stated, shaking his head a tad bit. "I'm sorry to cut this so short. I'll see you guys at school." 

The other three barely managed to say bye as Hoseok dashed out of the living room. He made sure he had all his belongings after he had pulled his shoes on. He really would have liked to stay with his friends, but Hyungwon probably wouldn't feel comfortable all alone in the apartment. That is if he even went.

Hoseok yelled bye to the other guys before getting out into the cool autumn night. He didn't let the weather sink in and booked it for the bus stop. He still had a chance to catch the last one that would take him close enough to his place.

He couldn't sit still during the bus ride. His mind was racing more than it ever had. What had happened? Why did Hyungwon text him when he could've maybe gone to Changkyun? It made no sense to the older but he was willing to deal with it.

The student thanked the driver as he got off the bus. He let out a deep exhale. He still had a small walk to his apartment building so he got to walking. The bus ride had taken twenty minutes which was way more than Hoseok had accounted for. He rarely took the bus anymore because he had Minhyuk driving him everywhere.

His feet moved him past the store Hyungwon worked in and he had to glance inside, in case the younger was still there. But no, it was another worker with and the younger student wasn't anywhere around. Hoseok nodded to himself, glad that Hyungwon had at least one somewhere.

"Hey!" Hoseok jumped out of his skin when someone called for him. He was just about to continue on his way home, at the same time intending on ignoring the other person. He had more important stuff to deal with but he had to turn around to see what the stranger might have wanted. Maybe it was important.

He was met with a few guys, both taller than him. He observed them, not really liking the energy they radiated. Both had quite a rough look and there was a tattoo visible on one of their necks. Hoseok didn't really like to judge just by looks but the sight made him want to walk off without continuing the interaction. "Yeah?" he then asked, crossing his arms.

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