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Soft conversing engulfed the room, with the occasional laughter from a family member or another. Breakfasts like this were one of the few things where he felt free to act how he wanted. It just in general was a very calm morning in the house, which wasn't that unusual for the people residing in the home.

"I'm going first." Hyungwon hummed softly before standing up from his seat, carefully, to not scratch the floor with the chair. He started gathering his dishes to take them to the washing machine.

"Why do you boys never walk together?" His mother then piped up, making Hyungwon's hand movements stop. His head slowly turned towards his younger brother who was looking back at him. He wanted Hyungwon to give her the answer since both of them knew that Hyungwonw was the better liar.

Their mother read Jooheon like an open book. And while she could dig out Hyungwon's true thoughts but it took a little more effort.

The reason why Jooheon pushed the task of answering to the other, was also probably just that he didn't want to admit that he let people around him talk shit about his older brother and never acknowledged the older in school and a plethora of other reasons. Hyungwon understood why Jooheon did it and wasn't angry. If Jooheon was to stand on his side, the younger would get the same treatment and Hyungwon didn't want that. Jooheon had been treated like shit in middle and high school and was for once enjoying his school life. Being "Hyungwon's brother" would ruin it for him.

He had sworn to protect the younger and if being the one who always got stepped on, beat down, chewed up, and spat out was the solution, so be it.

He let out a small sigh, turning back to their mother with a small grin on his face. "His friends pick him up, mom. You know that... Besides, he's a slow walker." He smirked slightly, grabbed his breakfast plate, and took it away. He could hear his younger brother calling after him, acting hurt.

Hyungwon was glad that he and his younger brother could joke around easily inside their own home and that they didn't have to pretend to be something they weren't. Something, that made pretending easier, was the lack of their similarities. Height, build, and facial features. The only thing that had some similarities was their lips, maybe.

Jooheon was blessed with their mom's looks and Hyungwon was left with the malignant genes of their father. It made looking into the mirror hard sometimes.

"Jooheon could ask his friends if you could go with them too." His father suggested then. Hyungwon stopped for a moment, before chuckling and shaking his head. "No thanks." He declined. There probably wouldn't even have been space for him even if his relationship with Minhyuk and the others wasn't what it was.

After putting the dirty dishes into the dishwasher he walked out of the kitchen. He grabbed his bag from the floor, throwing it over his shoulder. He quickly made his way to the front door and pulled his shoes on. He needed to be far enough away when Minhyuk would come to pick Jooheon up.

Before he could leave the house though, his younger brother caught up with him. "Hyung," Jooheon said right as Hyugnwon was opening the door. "Yeah?" The elder asked, turning his head to the other.

"Minhyuk mentioned at the party that you and Hosoek talked..." Jooheonasked and kicked the floor gently. Hyungwon let out a soft chuckle and nodded. "Don't worry. It was more like he was talking to me." He assured the younger, smiling at him.

"Tell mom that I won't be helping at the restaurant today, please?" Hyungwon requested the other and waved at him before opening the door and exiting the house.

Despite the short conversation at the party, there was a small part in Hyungwon that hoped that Minhyuk hadn't come to get his friend. Maybe talking to Hoseok wouldn't have been that bad, considering there wasn't any sign that the guy disliked him. Not at least yet.

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