Staying For the Night...

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(Y/n Pov)

Before you can fully walk away, however, you feel a hand on your shoulder. Turning around to see it belonged to Techno, you were confused as you looked at him, you heard a small "tch" before he said something.

"You've come at a busy time here, there's a festival being held in a few days and all the inns are most likely already packed. So, finding one that's not will be difficult. New people always come at a bad time when there's no room so I suppose you can stay with me for the night."

You were confused about how he knew that you had just come to this world but figured he saw you come out through the portal, so you shook the thought out of your head. You noticed that he started walking so you followed silently behind him not wanting to make things awkward. He led you through a different portal that came out on top of the nether then, through another one where all you could see was snow. After maybe an hour of walking you start to notice a building through the snow 'must be techno's house' you thought. Once getting to the door he walked in, stepping aside so you could follow.

The house was warm and cozy, it had a nice fireplace in the living room, the kitchen was small but quaint, there was a ladder that led downwards, and then a set of stairs going upwards where you assumed his room was. You walked over to the couch figuring that's where you would sleep for the night, so you made yourself comfortable. You heard Techno grunt from the kitchen as he walked out and handed you a bowl of mushroom stew.

"Thank you for letting me stay Techno, it means a lot," you said giving a small smile before eating some of the stew.

"It's not a problem just make sure to find somewhere else to stay soon," he said as he sat down in a chair eating his stew.

It was quiet for a bit, but you didn't mind the silence with the fire crackling and the sound of snow falling. It was nice to have some silence rather than the talk of trade, Ghasts screaming, or just having to deal with Magma cubes. You finished the stew and took the bowl to the kitchen; washing it and setting it to dry. Techno soon came in doing the same thing, you two talked for a bit, getting to know each other before he looked at the clock realizing how late it was.

"We should probably head to bed I'll be upstairs if you need anything, goodnight y/n," Techno said with a slight yawn.

"Oh yes, good night as well Techno," you said heading over to the couch and laying down, making yourself comfortable.

With that, Techno headed upstairs into his room for the night. You laid there quietly with some thoughts going through your head. You ignored some of them but with that, you drifted off to sleep.

You woke up early the next morning, the clock only showing it being 6:00 am. You groaned as you got up putting your shoes back on and walked to the kitchen. You decided to make some cooked mutton with baked potatoes for breakfast, thankfully Techno had your ingredients, so you got to work on cooking.

When you were finishing up you heard Techno walking downstairs, he walked into the kitchen and greeted you.

"Good morning y/n, what are you making there?" he said while looking over at the plates.

"Oh, some cooked mutton and baked potatoes, I thought it would be a nice breakfast," you said handing him a plate and smiling a bit.

"Well thank you, though you didn't have to but, I am grateful," he said as he started eating.

"It's no problem at all Techno hope you enjoy it," you said as you also started eating.

You've just been sort of chilling all morning, you went out and helped Techno get more firewood, kill a few more sheep and cows but also harvested some other things like berries. It was a good morning and now the time was around 11:00 am. You knew you'd be going back to L'Manburg soon, so you were ready for whenever Techno wanted to go.

As if on cue Techno walked down from his room grabbing a satchel and a few other things. It seemed like he had some errand to run but you didn't mind nor ask about it.

"Ready to go y/n?" Techno said looking over at you and also heading to the door.

"Yep, I'm all set" you got up and followed him out the door, ready for the walk to the portal.

It was a nice walk, you got to see some polar bears, arctic foxes, bunnies, and quite a few other things. It had stopped snowing, but the air was cold and crisp. Once you got the portal Techno let you go through first, you felt the heat hit over you but, you were used to it, so you didn't mind so much.

Finding the other portal, you both walked through, and there stood L'Manburg, you just had to cross the speed bridge and you'd be in town. Once arriving you saw the town was just as full as it was yesterday with many people going through and coming in and out of shops. It was a sight to see really. You were excited to be here, to see everything this place had to offer. Techno had gone off, so you figured he had errands to run, which you didn't mind. You explored the town some more, meeting new people and buying a few things. Something that caught your eye was an end crystal necklace or at least a fragment of one. You went into the store and bought the necklace not wanting to remember what the price was.

You continued to walk around the town exploring and finding new things and places to see. It had been a busy day and you knew that it would be coming to an end soon, but you enjoyed it. You started looking around for Technoblade when you ran into someone who you felt you had seen before in your past...

A bit of a cliffhanger here yes, I know. I hope you guys have enjoyed this chapter though and feel free to suggest ideas you have to me! I will hopefully continue this book as well Also 1091 words in total here. <3 

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