The Crow Father...

706 19 3

(??? Pov)

I was walking through the town as the sun was beginning to set, trying to get home so I could manage the children and so they wouldn't break anything. As I was walking, I noticed someone. They looked familiar (Please put whatever pronouns you use here ^^) I felt as though I've seen them before, but I couldn't place my finger on them. Their eyes seemed to catch mine just as I was looking at them, so I decided to walk over and introduce myself.

(Y/n Pov)

Just as I had looked at the man with the black crow-like wings, a green and white striped bucket hat, and what seemed like either robes or some sort of kimono on. I then noticed him approaching me. That's when I noticed he was standing right in front of me.

"Hello, their sir, anything I can help you with?" I smiled trying not to look shocked.

"Hello young one sorry to bother you but you look like someone I've met before, so I thought I'd come over and introduce myself, I'm Philza Minecraft," the man said with his face glowing with happiness.

I was shocked when I heard the name, I remember trading with him all those years ago and him being one of the nicest people I had ever met. He didn't come to the Nether often but when he did, we got to trade, we also talked for a bit sometimes.

"We have indeed met before Phil, my name's Y/n L/n, it's good to see you again" You chirped joyfully, getting to see an old friend.

You watched as the smile grew on his face, it was good to see Phil, he was always a great friend to you, perhaps a father figure to you in some ways as well. He taught you many different things with the small moments you guys did have but it was great, you enjoyed every second of them.

With that you both sat down at a little café nearby and talked for a while, just catching up on different things and what's been going on. Phil had informed you of the wars that had gone on and how everything had finally settled down. You were having an enjoyable time, the streets had emptied mostly as it was getting later, the cool air of the night and the shining moon that was slowly rising as you two spoke.

"I actually have three sons, we have Technoblade being the oldest, Wilbur the middle, and Tommy is the youngest," Phil said as he stretched.

"Oh, I've met Techno already he was kind enough to let me stay at his house last night since the inns are full" you beamed with some excitement knowing you knew one of Phil's sons.

"Techno letting someone stay with him? Well, that's a new one" Phil stifled a laugh from hearing that.

Just then we heard a sort of grunt followed by someone yelling and another person telling him to shut up.

"Speak of the devils there they are" Phil stood up and gave Techno a hug then looked at the other two and just sighed.

"Oh, there you are Y/n, I thought you had left" Techno gave you a glance but then loosened the tension in the air.

"Uh, who is this Techno you never mentioned this person before" A raspy sounding voice said which you assumed belonged to the blonde boy with the red and white t-shirt and the reddish wings. (Yes, in this Tommy has wings like Phil)

"Tommy don't be rude to our new acquaintance," the other man said, he had brown hair with a white streak in it and wore a beanie with a white shirt that had a large brown coat/jacket over it, some jeans, and black combat boots on.

You had gripped your arm by this point not really knowing what to say. You gave off a small smile then realized that you were sort of staring and hadn't even introduced yourself.

"Oh, my names Y/n, Y/n L/n you two must be Phil's sons, nice to meet you" you were slightly embarrassed that you just stood there staring.

The brown-haired boy was about to speak before he got interrupted by the blonde.

"I'm Tommy or better known as Tommyinnit the biggest man of all times" he stated very confidently before he got pushed backward by the brown-haired boy.

"Don't mind him, he doesn't know what manners are, I'm Wilbur better known as Wilbur Soot, it's nice to meet you Y/n" he gave off an interesting aura but just smiled at you.

You could see Techno was getting annoyed by his brothers as he clearly let out a sigh. Phil laughed at the clearly not amused Techno then invited both me and Techno over for the night since it was getting very late. Once we entered Phil's house it felt amazing, it was warm, it smelled of freshly baked pumpkin pie, there were pictures and antiques everywhere, it was overall very comforting.

"Y/n there's a spare room upstairs you go straight and then make a right and it should be the last one there, feel free to have it for now," Phil said while he made his way upstairs to his room.

"Oh, thanks Phil, I appreciate it" you felt that he heard you, so you didn't go on about it.

"So, how do you know our old man anyways?" Tommy asked in a curious tone.

"Oh, when I was younger, he used to come to the Nether on occasions and trade with me, he's the main reason why I can speak English. Phil's a good friend and I'm glad to see him after all these years" You smiled at Tommy figuring that was what he wanted to hear.

He gave you a small shrug before walking to his own room for the night, not bothering to say anything else. That left you, Wilbur, and Techno, it was quiet none of you had said anything at all.

"So, what part of the Nether do you come from Y/n?" Wilbur finally broke the silence that seemed to go on forever.

"Oh, I come from the Northern side of the Nether, nothing much to see though well we do have a Nether fortress near us though" you shrugged the last bit off.

"I hate those things; I always feel like I'm going to get killed in one of them" Wilbur shivered just at the thought of one.

"They're not that bad, besides if you were actually good at fighting you wouldn't have an issue going through one Wilbur" Techno said while he looked over at Wilbur then back at me.

You let a small laugh through at the snarky comment Techno had made while Wilbur rolled his eyes clearly aggravated now. Without another word Wilbur left to go to his room and sleep, at least that's what you assumed. So, it remains you and Techno again, you two stayed up a little longer talking about his brothers and how Tommy could be annoying or how they both always yelled at each other.

Finally, at about 2:00 am you both decided to retire for the night, to get some sleep for whatever the next day had to offer. You went upstairs and to the room, Phil had said, laid your bag down, and went over to bed falling asleep.

Another chapter done; hope you enjoy it! (1241 words written) 

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