Meeting the Smp..

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(Y/n Pov)

After we ate breakfast, we headed out into the town, they took me to meet the rest of their friends. I was both excited and nervous, I mean meeting new people is great, it's just what they might think of you afterward.

You were all walking to a big building in the center which you assumed is where you were meeting, you walked in behind them admiring how nice the building looked and how it was decorated. There were chandeliers that lined the roof, the place looked fancy, fit for royalty at that.

Phil stopped in front of a room at the end of the hall, he smiled at you then looked back as he spoke.

"Well, ready to meet everyone then Y/n?" he grabbed the doorknob waiting for your response.

"No, but we're already here so let's get it done with" you took a deep breath as Phil opened the door revealing people that were talking but quieted down as you all entered the room.

There were 6 seats aligned at the table empty, Tommy and Shroud sat next to a haffling of an enderman and what you assumed to be a farlander boy and a goat boy with a little zombie piglen boy.

Phil sat down by a goat woman with puffy white hair with a bit of brown, she looked like a pirate with her clothing. Wilbur sat down next to a girl with pink hair, you realized it was Niki from the bakery, a familiar face to you. Techno gestured you to sit in the chair next to him and a foxy boy though, he had a white streak in his hair you weren't going to ask about it at the moment.

With that you and Techno took your seats, but you looked down at the table for a bit before another goat-man started speaking.

"Well, this is a nice meet-up that we all have here and with a new guest I might add!" he smiled standing up and walking over to your seat and smiling, he smelled of booze, but you weren't going to say anything.

"I am known as JSchaltt but you may call me Schaltt for short and you might be? I'm sure everyone is dying to know" he looked at you with a smile.

"O-oh, I'm Y/n, Y/n L/n it's a pleasure to meet you all, I've heard a lot about you where I'm from" you gave a small smile trying not to seem nervous or weird anyone out.

"Y/n, what a beautiful name for a beautiful person" Schaltt smiled and grabbed your hand giving it a kiss before walking back to his seat to sit down, he also gave you a wink which made you uncomfortable.

"Right then, well I'm Captain Puffy but please just call me Puffy, it's a pleasure to meet you Y/n" she tried to change the tension in the room, so she started small talk.

There was a bit of chatter, and you learned the names of other people. You met Tubbo the goat boy, Ranboo the haffling, their child Michael, Karl the time traveler, Purpled you weren't sure what he was, HannahRose, and many other people.

One person caught your eye though, a man in a smiling mask wearing a green hoodie, and dirty blonde hair. You learned that his name was Dream, he seemed friendly, but you weren't just going to trust him yet.

Right then someone walked over to you they wore a beanie and were short, they had these golden wings, a scar on their eye, they wore a white button-up shirt with suspenders and black jeans.

"Well, hello there hermosa, what's an interesting person like yourself doing here with these ruffians?" he gave you a smile which was comforting also speaking Spanish you found it nice.

"Well, as you must've seen I came here with the Minecraft family, quite nice people if I do say so myself but what's your name exactly?" you gave the man a smile back interested in what he was called.

"Pardon my manners, my names Quackity though people tend to call me Big Q for short, would you like to play a game of poker?" he got out a pack of cards and started shuffling them awaiting your response.

"Sure, why not just be warned I'm pretty good if I do say so myself" you adjusted yourself, so you were facing him watching as he gave the cards taking a look at your hand you smiled.

"I'm sure you are good my dear, pero desafortunadamente para ti, yo siempre gano." He gave you a smug smile gesturing for you to go.

After a while, the game had been going on, you two were at a tie at the moment. By this time everyone in the room was watching you two waiting to see who would win. You thought about the cards that you had and what he had.

He smiles at his hand before looking at you with a sympathetic look.

"Oh, mejor suerte la proxima vez chica, pero he ganado este juego." with that he put down he put down a straight flush waiting for your defeat.

You gave him a chuckle which had confused him. You looked at your cards once more before giving him a smug smile.

"Lo siento amigo, pero parece que gane este juego, mejor suerte la proxima vez~" with that you put down your hand, which was a royal flush.

Quackity looked at the game surprised he had lost, he usually wins you could hear whispers and chatter throughout the room, you were confused about why this was a shock but shrugged it off. That is before Tommy got onto a completely different subject.

"Since when did you know how to speak Spanish Y/n?" typical Tommy questioning the one thing that was the least important to everyone at the moment.

"Since I was younger and traded someone to teach me" you gave him a shrug it wasn't that big of a deal to speak another language.

Quackity stood up to shake your hand out of respect, you gladly took it and gave him a small smile.

"Well, played amigo, I hope to see you around more and maybe next time I'll actually beat you. You are welcome to come visit my country, Las Nevadas any time you want I'm sure you'll enjoy it." with that he walked over to a slime man named Charlie or better known as Slimescicle.

You were congratulated on your win by a few people, that's when Phil, Techno, and Wilbur came up to you.

"Great job kiddo didn't know you learned to play" Phil gave you a pat on the head as though you were still a child, I mean according to his age you mise well be.

"Finally, someone has beaten Quackity hopefully you can do it again" Wilbur gave you a reassuring smile as he said that.

"I suppose it was a good game hopefully it'll shut him up" Techno seemed annoyed by Quackity which you couldn't judge since you didn't know why.

You all went back to talking to other people and you wanted to learn a few things about some so that's what you did for the next few hours. 

(For those who can't speak Spanish I will translate that part here also to those who can, sorry if I spelt anything wrong I'm still working on my Spanish)

Hermosa/Hermoso = Beautiful/Handsome

pero desafortunadamente para ti, yo siempre gano.

( but unfortunately for you, I always win.) 

Oh, mejor suerte la proxima vez chica, pero he ganado este juego.

(Better luck next time girl, but I won this game.)

Lo siento amigo, pero parece que gane este juego, mejor suerte la proxima vez~

(Sorry mate, but it looks like I won this game, better luck next time~)

(P.S: Let me know in the comments if you guys have any ideas that you would like to have in the story and I might pick them if I think they can fit in!)

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