Unforgotten History...

330 13 3

(Y/n Pov)

Me, Phil, Techno, and Dream made it back to Techno's house in the snowy tundra thankfully with hardly any scars. The few you all did have got bandaged up thankfully none of them were serious, except for the one you now have along your nose thanks to a certain cat. (For those who don't know I mean Antfrost)

It was definitely going to scar but you didn't care, at least you were alive. Yet one thing still remained in your mind as you entered the house, Jack. You were surprised to find him, yet you hated that you did. After all, he was the reason your brother was dead, you wouldn't forgive him for that.

Lost in thought you hadn't realized you were being spoken to until you felt someone tap your shoulder to which you snapped back to reality.

"You all right their mate? You look lost in thought" Phil said giving you a genuine face of concern.

"Yes, I'm alright I was just thinking of something is all, nothing important."

"You sure it's not important you've been out of it since this morning" Techno's voice sounded worried but his face was hard to read.

"I'm fine just some old memories I wish hadn't happened" you sighed while rubbing your temples.

"You know you can tell us what's going on after all you did just go to battle with us without a second thought on it" Dreams mask met your gaze while the three of them were ready to listen.

"Guess I've got some explaining to do then."

With that you explained everything to them from your past, Jack killing your brother, to the present by the time you finished there were some tears being shed that you hadn't noticed until Phil handed you a cloth (handkerchief whatever you want to call it here). You wiped your eyes with it and calmed down some.

"I knew he killed people... but I didn't think he was the type of person to kill children, I guess he really is cold-hearted" Dream scoffed.

The four of us sat in the living room in silence, not much to do since we had just blown up a nation. Phil got up and made some tea/coffee which I was grateful for. The silence was nice. It felt almost peaceful except for the fact that people were probably going to come after us at some point.

You weren't sure what you were going to do after this it's not like you wanted to go back to the Nether anytime soon. They'd probably never let you out of their sight again. That's the thing with piglins even if you are an adult, they still watched you like a hawk making sure each member is safe. You were thankful at times, but it still made you feel like a kid.

The rest of the day was slow and nothing interesting really happened, you decided to go outside and farm some of Techno's potatoes since he hadn't done it yet. While you were picking them, and putting them in a bag, you hear the sound of footsteps coming from behind you. You slowly readied your axe in case of an intruder but when you turned around, axe pointing to their neck you noticed it was in fact, just Techno.

"Would you mind lowering your axe away from my neck? I mean not that you'd kill me anyways but still." He looked down at the axe then back up to you with the same blank look he always had.

You lowered your axe, putting it back up, and then went back to farming the potatoes.

"Sorry about that, thought you might've been someone else. However, you're still the same brute that I know."

"Yeah, a brute that decided to let a stranger stay in their home because all the inns were booked but you know, still just a brute and with no name might I add," he added the last part with a very cocky tone.

"Okay, I get it sorry Sir Technoblade of the Frozen Tundra I forgot where my manners were for a moment,"

"Quite alright, Y/n of the Nether after all at least you're no longer a stranger," With that, you both were laughing and having a good time.

Techno even decided to help you with the potatoes, you both talked for a good while despite being cold and getting dark, but it was nice you hadn't felt at peace in a long time. After finishing with the potatoes Techno decided to drag you up onto the roof to look at the stars as well as the Aurora Borealis you've never seen it before, but you were amazed by it.

Techno, however, wasn't focused on the lights or the stars but on the person sitting next to him. Yet, you were fixed on how the lights and stars shimmered in the night sky, that is until you saw him staring from the corner of your eye which brought you back to the time in the gazebo where you had been doing the same thing.

"Who's the one staring now? I believe it has become an addiction of yours to stare at me" you looked over to him, bringing back what he had said from the gazebo.

"Hm, perhaps it is, however you would never know. Even so, I've seen these lights a million times so it's nice to see a new sight"

You were taken back by what he had said even if he meant nothing, by it you were still turning red from his statement. Yet, he seemed to smile at this or perhaps he saw something else either way he was enjoying something. When you both looked back at each other you faltered for a moment just staring at him before you both started to lean closer together. Just as the gap was about to close you heard someone yell and back up, looking down to see Phil. (Sike you guys really thought)

"Oi lovebirds it's three in the morning go to bed, will you?" With that, he headed back inside.

You both climbed down from the roof and went to your own separate rooms, going to bed for the night. Though you wondered what would have happened if Phil hadn't interrupted.

(Sorry for the shitty upload as well as not uploading recently. I've been having issues with school and having writer's block but I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!)

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