In the Works...

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(Y/n Pov)

As the bright light of the sun came down, you slowly started to wake up, you noticed a heavyweight on you, however, you looked to notice it was Techno's arms. You could clearly recall last night, and a faint blush slowly made its way to your face, slowly wiggling out of his arms you tapped on his shoulder to wake him up.

"Techno, we should probably head back Phil might be worried about us."

He stirred awake at first confused about where he was at, but he slowly realized what was going on and stood up dusting himself off.

"Right wouldn't want the old man's feathers to get too ruffled." he had let out a chuckle to which you also had to laugh a bit.

With that, you two started walking back to Phil's home you two had created a conversation based on historical events and combat. You two soon arrived and walked in, to which you saw Phil standing there but rather being upset he was more amused.

"So, it seems that you two had fun last night, all cuddled up under the gazebo" you saw a mischievous smirk spread across his face.

"How do you even know where we went, let alone what we were doing Phil, were you spying on us?" Techno looking at the birdman.

"Oh please, I may not do it all the time, but I do care for my son's health and well-being you know, so I had to make sure you were safe."

"We both know you wanted to know what was going on, even if you do care about my well-being" Techno gave Phil a smile to which Phil returned it.

After about an hour of just talking, y/n and Techno headed back to his home in the snowy biome. Techno had told you he wanted to expand his house as well as get a few resources in case of an emergency. Naturally, you both got the supplies to expand the house and got to work on that, after a few hours of working it was finally done and looked nice all that was needed was to decorate the inside.

Techno ended up leaving that up to you while he went to get the other resources that he needed, though you found it strange that he went into the Nether for them. Maybe he just needed some nether wart and magma balls or something either way you didn't give it much thought as you started decorating.

After finally finishing the interior, you laid down on one of the newly crafted beds. To say you were tired was an understatement, you were exhausted from the work so, you did what any logical person would do and took a nap.

(Techno's Pov)

Leaving Y/n to decorate I went into the nether to get my supplies. After all, I would need plenty of wither skulls and soul sand for my plan. After getting to the fortress, I killed anything that stood in my way I have an abundance of nether wart and blaze rods and I was able to get quite a few wither skulls. I ended up killing some ghasts for their tears and got the soul sand. even went mining for ancient debris which I was lucky to get enough of. Once I had enough of everything I went back to craft and put everything in the vault.

After working on all that for who knows how long I went back to the house, though it was quiet which was unusual. The new interior looked amazing, so Y/n did a great job though they were nowhere to be seen. I looked around for them until I came to the last room. I opened the door to find them sleeping on the newly crafted bed, they must have been exhausted from the work, so I had better leave them alone.

With that, I retired to my room I read about some of the historical events and even the gods of Olympus quite fascinating if you ask me. Eventually, my eyes became heavy, so I set the book down and went to sleep.

(Y/n Pov)

I woke up the next morning surprised I had slept that long, either way, I woke up and made my way downstairs cooking breakfast for me and Techno. I made some chicken that we had leftovers and ended up making an omelet with it.

As if on cue Techno came walking down the stairs into the kitchen right as they were about to be done.

"Oh, good morning, Techno, I've made omelets for us if you're hungry"

"Good morning and thank you I am indeed hungry"

After eating I cleaned the dishes and put them up. This morning was going slow, so I decided to go into the library that he had downstairs. I read about the mythical creatures that once ruled the land, astronomy as well as the different constellations and multiple other things which I enjoyed.

Little did I know I had someone watching me from a distance. Techno started to slowly creep up on me while I was reading about Scorpius. He now hovered over my shoulder reading along with me.

"So, you're into astronomy and astrology, are you?" This made me jump since I didn't realize he had been there.

"How long have you been standing over me?"

"For a few minutes now, I enjoy reading this book every now and then"

It became silent again, you weren't sure what to do here so you kept reading, though commenting while doing so.

"You know, you could sit down if you wanted to"

"Nah I'm fine right where I am thanking you"

Guess he just liked standing, either way, that's how you two spent most of your day reading different books and talking about them. It was great and you were glad that you knew someone who had the same interests as you.

You were excited to see where this road a friendship would take you, though maybe it'll lead down an entirely different road than what you think.

Hello readers, I'm sorry for not updating. I've had no motivation to write anything and I'm also having an art block. I hope you enjoy this chapter though and feel free to give me any ideas on the book as well! (1065 words) 

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