Coming Up With a Plan...

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(Technoblades Pov)

As I was carrying Y/n back after they fell unconscious due to their fight with Jack, as well as the wound. I started to wonder what would have happened if I would have been executed that day or if I had never offered for them to stay with me. After all, it was only supposed to be a temporary stay, yet here they are 4 months after the festival still living with me.

Of course, I'm not saying they aren't a huge help when it comes to gathering supplies or potatoes, it's more so I never thought someone would stay around this long considering, my huge god complex....never going to admit that around Philza. Looking at Y/n in my arms right now unconscious it makes makes the voices act up, demanding blood which they typically do but it's more in a vengeance type of way now not just for fun or because of simple anger.

Either way, I need to hurry up and get back, Phil's most likely worried about where we've gone off to and he'll be more concerned once he sees Y/n and the state their in. It doesn't help that the blizzard is getting worse but there's nothing I can do about that. Luckily, I'm almost at the house it should only be about...5 more minutes in this weather then we'll get Y/n treated, let them rest, and then most likely come up with a plan once they wake up and feel up to it.

I should really train Y/n some more so just to freshen their fighting skills in case Manifold decides to attack them again. Don't get me wrong they're good with their axe, it's just going to be a precautionary measure, of course, I doubt they'll ever beat me, but it doesn't hurt to have them close to that point.

As I walk through the door and set Y/n on the couch Phil immediately pops up behind me, not only looking worried but slightly panicked.

"What happened to them? The injury looks serious, we need to get it properly fixed!"

"Manifold attacked them, luckily they fought him off...mostly-"

With that Phil went to retrieve the medical supplies, bringing it back he pushed me out of the way and started tending to any wounds Y/n had, specifically the main one. I sat there watching as I wasn't as good at dealing with wounds as Phil is. After about 15 minutes or so Phil packs everything back up and goes to put it all back into its place.

For the next few hours, I worked on chores around the house, trying to be as quiet as possible due to Y/n still being unconscious on the couch. I went out to tend to the animals, and gather the overgrowing crops, once that was done, I came back inside to start cooking dinner.

(Y/n Pov)

I slowly open my eyes to realize I'm no longer in the snowy forest, but back at Techno's house. I remember most of what happened, fighting Jack, Techno coming to pick me up, then passing out, so he must have carried me here. Either way, I notice that the wounds I got have been...stitched up? Must've been Techno or Phil.

I sit up slowly, trying not to tear the stitches. As I'm looking around, I started to smell something, smelled delicious of course. With this I get up, still having the stinging on my side as well as other cuts and bruises, even so, I make my way to the kitchen and sit down in one of the chairs waiting patiently there.

There's Techno making food yet again, but rather than say anything I decide to wait and see if I could scare him, even a little bit. After about 30 minutes or so of, food being cooked and techno humming some song, he finally calls for Phil and me. Shortly after Phil enters the kitchen, sitting down and awaiting the food.

"Ah Y/n glad you're finally up and moving around, had me worried there." Phil announced with joy.

"Damn it, Phil, I was trying to scare Techno!" letting out a little huff of disappointment before Techno turned around with the food.

"You know I heard you walk in, right-? With all the noise you make even Tommy could've heard you."

After that brief conversation, Techno set the plates full of food down for each of us, before sitting down himself. It was quiet while we were all eating, no conversation had been going on, just the sound of silverware clanking against plates and cups being picked up and sat down.

After everyone had finished, Phil took our plates and put them in the sink before sitting back down. I fiddled with my hands, noticing both Phil and Techno staring at me like they were waiting for something. Of course, I didn't know what it was, so I just continued to sit there in silence before Phil spoke up.

"So, are you going to tell us what happened with Jack, or just stay silent?"

"Oh right...that. Well pretty simple, I've told you about my tragic backstory, and he promised he'd get me back someday. Luckily it wasn't today since I beat the shit out of him-"

"What are you talking about, based on your wounds it looks like he almost had you! I mean come on you're beaten up pretty bad and were unconscious when Techno got to you." Phil mentioned it had been a big deal.

Letting out a sigh, you tried to shrug it off as you didn't like mentioning when you had been beaten. However, you figure they weren't going to let this go anytime soon.

"So, what do we do about it then? We all know he's going to come back." You mentioned before anything else could be said.

"Well, your skills are pretty sharp, but it could never hurt to do more training, and see what you need to fix or learn." You had looked at Techno when he said this.

"I mean, I suppose it wouldn't hurt but I doubt I'll be doing that until this thing heals" You pointed to the bandages.

"Well, we don't need to worry we'll figure something out with Jack and hopefully take him out of the picture soon." Phil simply replied.

With that the three of you sat there for a few hours, thinking of ways you could not only fortify the house but also how to take down Jack. There had been a lot of ideas, but nothing was sound enough to use. Jack was a very slippery fellow, and with being a blaze he could easily burn the house and forest down with no problem.

"What if we set up some kind of water trap? That's hurt him pretty badly, plus even if it doesn't kill him, he'll be weakened." You mentioned thinking it could work.

"Yeah, and how are we going to do that without him noticing it?"

"Easy, Phil here could be waiting in the trees until we lure him under him, then he can pour a big bucket of water onto him, weakening Manifold." You replied back to Techno, trying to get this idea up and running.

From there the rest of the plan was coming together, after you heal, Techno would start sparing with you while Phil would gather the supplies needed. You still had no idea where Dream had gone but that didn't matter to you right now. Once Techno thought your sparing and lessons have been completed, you'll slowly move the plan into action. For now, you must heal and wait. 

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