Meeting a Spider...

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(??? Pov)

I was just chilling in the attic like I normally do waiting for dad to come and get me when I noticed someone walk in, I've been watching them look around for something until they noticed the axe. They started slowly climbing up the wall and got on the beam, balancing slowly to get to it.

I already knew there was a net because I helped dad set it up, but it was meant for Uncle Techno not whoever this was. Before I could say anything, however, they grabbed the axe, then dropped it as the net fell onto them. Stupid move dropping, the only thing that could get you out of a net in my opinion but maybe it was just reflexes.

Either way, now they were stuck there, hanging it didn't seem like they had anything to help them, so they sat there waiting. They waited for quite a bit, and I've just been watching quietly. I'm surprised dad hasn't come up here yet to get Uncle's axe.

After a while of waiting, they started to fall asleep although I was getting quite bored then I heard them say, "well, this has been an interesting morning" I wonder what they meant by that, other than being trapped in a net of course.

I finally decided to go talk to them, so I crawled over to where the net was and stood on the beam slowly crawling down onto the net after they were looking around. Right as I was about to say hello, I was met with a loud scream.

(Y/n Pov)

There was a spider on the net or well a humanoid spider at least you weren't sure how to explain it you just knew that their origin was a spider origin. It seemed like just a boy at around age 7-10 maybe but you weren't sure either way you didn't like it. You couldn't help but let out a scream you didn't know how long they had been watching you or if they were here to do harm all you knew is that they were here now.

"Well, that was just rude, screaming at someone because of how they look" the boy stated while he uncovered his ears.

"W-who are you? Have you come to hurt me? Why are you here?" so many questions flooded your head you didn't know who this was you could handle yourself in a fight obviously, but he had the advantage of being able to climb and shoot webs.

He looked at you dumbfoundedly not really knowing what to say but then he spoke up.

"Firstly, my name's Shroud, secondly no I'm not going to hurt you and thirdly I live here with my dad and uncles" Shroud let out a sigh figuring you wouldn't have known about him.

"But Phil only has three sons he never mentioned you?" You were trying to piece together what was going on, luckily you were calmer now.

"That's because he's my grandfather, Tommy is my father or well-adopted father anyways" he hung onto the net looking at you

"Who might you be exactly? I've never even seen you around town before," he stated in a curious tone.

"Oh well I'm Y/n, it's nice to meet you Shroud, and sorry for screaming" you looked a little embarrassed about that but quickly shook it off.

"It's alright I assume it's not every day you see a spider boy in an attic" he let out a giggle which sounded adorable, he seemed so innocent.

You two talked for a while forgetting you were even in a net you two talked about the wars, how Tommy found Shroud, and what all goes on around town. It was a pleasant conversation but after a while, you heard the door to the attic open and that's when you remember you were in a net.

(Techno's Pov)

After nearly killing Tommy, he finally told me that my axe was hanging up in the attic and to be careful about a trap that he set up. I haven't seen y/n in a while, but I thought that they might have just gone back to their room. Wilbur had been laughing and being amused the entire time I was chasing Tommy rather than helping, which was no surprise.

Phile was just in the kitchen making breakfast. H finally got done and we all decided to just head up to the attic. Tommy wanted to get Shroud and mother's old violin, Wilbur wanted to get his guitar and I had a few things, other than my axe I wanted to get.

As we were walking, we heard some conversation going so we thought Shroud had turned on the radio up here. Little did I know I was about to see something much different.

(Y/n Pov)

Once the door opened you saw Phil, Techno, and Tommy standing there. Once they looked up Tommy and Wilbur burst out into laughter, Phil started chuckling and Techno had a smile indicating he wanted to laugh but he didn't. You sat there, clearly unamused as Shroud climbed down and ran to Tommy to hug him.

You were left sitting in the net listening to the fit of laughter, chuckles, and some occasional sighs. Overall, you knew this was a funny moment, I mean come on, it's not every day you have a pigling trapped in a net up in your attic.

Techno walked below you and grabbed his axe then started to look through other stuff. Tommy got the violin and Wilbur got his guitar they were all talking about different things for a bit then went to leave the attic, completely forgetting about you.

"Ahem, surely you're not going to just leave me up here?" you said in an aggravated tone, I mean after all they were about to just leave you sitting in a net for who knows how long.

"Oh right, sorry bout that," Techno walked back over and cut the net which you thought led you to fall on the floor. Luckily for you, Techno had a hold of you so you wouldn't.

With that he set you down and walked back to the door being the first out, you quickly followed the others and closed the attic behind you. You all went down to eat the breakfast Phi had made you, which was pretty good in your opinion. 

After a while you all agreed to go around town and meet other people, well you would be meeting them while the other four already knew them. You were hoping to make a good first impression.

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