Sparring Match...

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(Y/n Pov)

It's been a few weeks since the fight with Jack, most of the wounds have healed and I'm finally getting back on my feet. Today I'm supposed to start sparring with Techno to better my combat skills so this doesn't happen again. Upon walking out of the house I noticed Techno in a fenced-in area, moving training dummies out of the way while Phil was doing some patchwork on the house. We still haven't seen any sight of Dream in weeks, wouldn't be surprised if he ditched us honestly.

Making my way over towards the fenced-in area I hop over the fence and in, seeing the wooden axes we'd be using to spar with. After a few moments, Techno moved the dummies out of the area and came back in, shutting the gate behind him before speaking up.

"So, Y/n ready for today's lesson, or are you still feeling unprepared?"

I'd scoff, almost offended he'd even ask that, it's not like I've been injured for months or anything after all.

"Oh come on now that's just exaggerating, it was only a few wounds nothing major."

I noticed Techno chuckle, as though he was amused by my comment and getting the reaction he wanted. After a moment he'd pick up the wooden swords and threw one at me, which I missed catching and had to pick up. We'd both get into fighting stances, I made sure my knees were slightly bent and not locked, keeping eye contact as I held the sword firmly in my hands but not gripping it too tightly. After a few moments he charged at me, his movements swift and agile I hadn't thought he'd go so hard after the first time sparring in a few months...that was a mistake to think. However, I barely managed to dodge his attack, having to quickly get back in my rhythm of movements.

As time went on my movement started coming back to me and I started to easily counter his attacks, for the most part anyway. It was like a fiery dance of intimidation, seeing who could beat the other and remain calm.

We sparred for a good few hours and by the time we were done, I was exhausted I wanted to collapse right there but that would only warrant laughter, so I stayed on my feet taking deep breaths. Eventually, we called it a day and went back into the house getting plenty of water and eating dinner, it was quite pleasant.

"So, Y/n you've still got work to do on your fighting seeing as you've been injured for a few months but you did pretty good today." Techno had spoken up, glancing over at me for a moment.

"Oh uh, thanks I was surprised I was able to get back into it that fast but that just means I'll be back to it in no time." 

After dinner it had been mostly quiet, the three of us doing our own thing for the remainder of the night. I was fine with this seeing as I could sharpen my axe, which is what I spent a few hours doing, if I'm being honest I probably went overboard seeing as I got lost in thought about what I was going to do the next time I encounter Jack...but that was something for future me to worry about. I sat my axe back down on its mantle and stood up from the chair, stretching.

It had gotten darker by this time and I stared out the window listening to the soft sound of rain as the gray clouds covered the night sky making it gloomy. However, it was still comforting the soft storm becoming heavy as the pitter-patter of rain hit the window and slid down. The thunder was loud and crashing as it echoed throughout the world with lightning always striking right after lighting up this gloomy night every so often. 

One could easily get lost in the sounds of the storm, it was terrifyingly comforting to me, much better than the sounds of lava bubbling up anyways. I had missed the nether at some points but I don't think I'd go back, not after everything that's happened...I couldn't. Besides the overworld really wasn't so bad it had a lot more than the desolate nether with its blazing hot terrain. 

After a while of just staring out the window, lost in thought I finally snapped back to reality it had been a few hours and was quite late at night by now so I decided to just go to bed. Walking over and sitting down, I looked around the room once more the oh-so-familiar room in which I've stayed for a while now. I couldn't help but wonder what was to come in the future with all this chaos and war happening, would this place be a shelter for much longer, or would we have to flee?

So many thoughts consumed my mind at that point I tried to shut them out as I lay down, tossing and turning trying to get comfortable, eventually I was able to drift off into a thought-filled sleep, wondering what would come..

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