The Execution...

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(Y/n pov)

You woke up thinking of last night before getting ready for the day, you headed downstairs to eat breakfast which Phil had made yet again then went out to get supplies.... from the Nether. It wasn't exactly your idea however as it had been requested by Dream and Techno since they would be getting other supplies.

With that, you made sure you had everything you needed before entering the nether portal and feeling the heat of the place you once called home. You walked through the Nether collecting many things from crimson logs to going into a fortress and getting wither skulls. You had a variety of different supplies by now and it was a good thing you brought shulkers otherwise you wouldn't have been able to carry everything.

With that as you were walking back on a different path, you recognized a place you didn't wish to run into, the bastion you grew up in. You let out a sigh hoping no one saw you as you really didn't need to go missing at the moment, especially with everything on you yet, it didn't seem like luck was on your side today as you had been spotted and dragged to the bastion.

One of the elder piglins that watched over the bastion came over to "talk" to you and it just so happened to be Azure so you were most likely getting ready to be lectured, of course, she was one of the more caring people you knew so maybe you could be able to go back if you told her what was going on.

"Y/n do you know how worried everyone has been since you went through that portal? I've told you time and time again that only those of us with permission may enter and yet you still found a way around us, I am very disappointed in you Ms. L/n. After all, we can't lose you like we did your brother." Tears were flowing down from her eyes which was a rare sight.

"Yes, I know Azure but if you intend on keeping me here again, I can't allow that to happen, I have people that are waiting for me on the other side of the portal, besides I really need to get these supplies back to them before they worry and come to find me. I'm not a child anymore and I can certainly handle myself now." You were stern with what you said, and you were tired of them treating you like a child.

Azure remained silent for a moment almost like she was lost in thought, she wasn't sure what to do in this situation but knew she couldn't keep you here forever.

"Alright then you may go back but, you must promise to visit and stay in touch, after all, there are quite a few people here who have missed you since you disappeared."

You smiled considering the fact that you were ready to argue with her about why you couldn't stay but Azure had always been one of the more understanding piglins so you were grateful. Before you left the bastion, however, you talked to a few of your old friends and some of the other elders. When you decided to leave you engulfed her in a hug before you made your way back to Techno's portal and stepped through.

Going back, you had forgotten about how time was very different in the Nether and it was now nighttime in the Overworld. You walked back into Techno's house to see Phil sitting there with a darkened look.

(Techno's Pov)

Here I was walking to L'Manburg in cuffs for a court hearing of my crimes. After they came to get me and threatened Carl there was really no way I could escape. Of course, I didn't let them go down without a beating but still, either way, we'll get there soon, and I'll rest then be brought to the center of the country for this hearing. On the bright side at least Y/n wasn't there so they didn't capture them.

These cuffs are becoming very uncomfortable, however, and I'm pretty sure my hands will be turning purple soon from how tight these things are on. I don't know where Dream went, he disappeared and never came back so there's that and Phil could still be alone at the house so who knows what's going on?

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