Wilbur Soot Abuse

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Alright, so I know I've been inactive for a while but seeing as this is a Dsmp book I assume that my past self most likely put Wilbur into it which is why I'm writing this note. I want to start off by saying that I've only read into and listened to parts of this whole story, I am aware of what Shubble said and that Wilbur has confirmed most, if not all of the allegations. I have some thoughts on all of this as well as other things. First I do not support abuse at all, being a victim of abuse myself I see where Shubble is coming from, and while I don't know exactly what she's feeling I give her my regards. What Wilbur did was terrible and how he lived was disgusting, however, I've noticed past fans, and now haters of his going after him and giving death threats among many other things. I personally don't think this helps nor solves anything and in fact, think it only makes it worse and makes you look like an ass. I understand being angry and wanting to tell these people off, but threatening them is not the way, it makes you no better than them in some cases. There are many ways to voice your anger and concerns and just generally a healthier way than telling someone to "die" or "kill themselves" or to even go as far as saying exactly how they should and how much you'd enjoy it. The fact that we as a society see a victim and our first thought is to quickly attack the abuser or even just anyone, in general, is sad to me. I am not saying this because I support Wilbur's actions, because I don't I support Shubble.  I have also been made aware of the supposed George allegations as well as the Punz ones. However, on those two I'm not sure what has happened or what's going on so I'll need to do more research. Now for my initial thoughts on all of this.

I believe that the majority of this stemmed from the Dream Face Reveal. Yes, I'm saying this, and while it may not be true as this is my own thoughts I'm going to say it anyway. When Dream revealed his face reveal he not only got called ugly and other horrid things, along with death threats but there were also the grooming allegations. Eventually, we moved past that and what I've noticed is a pattern, all these people have been or were members of the Dsmp at one point. Now I'm not saying that they haven't done anything wrong, I'm just saying it's a pattern. It started with Dream, now Wilbur has admitted to the allegations, and then there was George and Punz, hell I even saw fake allegations on Tubbo about him driving someone to a party in 2021 (For those who don't know tubbo didn't/doesn't have his drivers license, 2021 was peak pandemic, he was streaming and staying inside the majority of the time, and he's said before that he wouldn't give a random stranger a ride). While yes some if not most are true (Not sure about the George and Punz stuff so pardon me) there's a visible pattern here so my next question is, even if some of these are real, if there are fake allegations going around like Tubbo's, who's next? Will there be another former member of the Dsmp to be pulled into the crowd, or will other YouTubers and streamers start getting pulled in? We may found out that all these allegations are true, but we surely have to know that some are fake. In my opinion I believe Dream's face reveal was the catalyst to all of this, it started with him and now it's spreading, some are true and some are false but how much more will go? After the Wilbur Soot, Punz, and George drama will there be more like this, or will it all settle down? These are questions none of us have answers to, however, the way I see it going is that it will persist, because we as a society and individuals may not always like some people, and sometimes a small percentage of us will do anything to try to take those people down and ruin their careers. 

I've gotten off on a tangent but since others are sharing their opinions, I'm sharing mine, again I fully support the victims and if it turns out that the Geroge and Punz allegations are true, I'll support those people as well. However, I prefer to stay neutral through most of this I don't often pick sides because I don't see a reason to, I understand what's going on, and the victims have my support but that doesn't mean I'm going to drop everything, for example, Lovejoy's music, I love it and I probably won't stop listening to it, but there is something someone taught me that I believe is valuable. It's that you can still enjoy the content or whatever it is, and not like the people or person that made it. So, while I may listen to it, that does not mean I like Wilbur or support his actions. Anyway, I've gone on long enough on this matter and I hope I was able to help bring insight to anyone who reads this. Hopefully, I'll finish up an actual chapter soon but for now, this is Flower signing off.

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