A Certain Blazeborn...

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(Y/n Pov)

Today you woke up before the sun had even begun to rise, your body refusing to let you go back to sleep you had decided to go out and gather some extra materials in case anyone was to need them later on. Walking into the forest of spruce you had started to chop some of the trees down, occasionally gathering berries, meat, and other resources. That was until you heard the rustling of a bush, you weren't sure which one it was but you were now on high alert in case anyone tried to attack.

You had been out gathering materials for a while, by now it was noon so as you decided to head back you stopped as you heard someone laugh.

"Well, if it isn't Y/n L/n, I'm surprised you're out here by yourself with no one around" 

You knew that voice and slowly turned around to face him. Jack Manifold to think he'd be out here just to hunt you down.

"And to what do I owe the...pleasure of you visiting me out here?" you said through your gritted teeth.

"Relax piggy, I just came to finish some business that's long overdue" and with that he unsheathed his sword, charging at you.

Luckily you were able to dodge the hit just barely, quickly taking out your axe you swung back, countering the attack and pushing him away. Taking an ender pearl out of your bag, you quickly threw it behind him, bringing your axe down to his leg and managing to leave a deep cut in it. The sound of him groaning in pain from the cut made you long for more. You wanted to kill him slowly for all the years of agony you've lived without your brother, you wanted to see his blood dripping from your axe as you stood over his dead body.

The fight continued, and both of you had inflicted damage to each other, each of you growing tired. You went to strike at him, moving quickly you were able to cut his cheek, yet as you were doing that he managed to cut into your side, letting out a scream of pain as you backed up, holding onto your side to stop the bleeding. At this rate, you knew you couldn't keep fighting as you'd eventually pass out and die from blood loss, yet you also knew this gave him plenty of chances to attack and finish you off.

You slowly back up, not taking your eyes off of Jack, you wanted to retreat but there was no way to without him following and most likely catching up to you. You noticed that with every step you took backwards, he took a step forwards. Just as you were almost out of the forest, you tripped over a log and were sent to the ground.

Before you could get up you noticed Jack was hovering over you, sword pointed at your neck. You tried to back up and stand up but he'd stop that by stepping forward. You were still losing blood from your side and right now it didn't seem like there was any way you would be getting out of this. He had the same sadistic smile he always had on when you'd see him and you hated it.

"Well well, it looks like your time is finally up Y/n, such a pity it had to end this way" he pushed the sword closer to your neck.

With this he went to swing the sword, quickly shutting your eyes awaiting death the only thing you heard was metal clanking together. When you looked up Techno standing there rather angry at what was happening it seemed like. With this techno swung at Jack, cutting into his right arm and a frustrated groan could be heard. Techno attacked with speed and timing, making sure all of his attempts would hit. 

After the two of them fought Jack eventually fled annoyed at the fact that someone intervened in his plan. Techno had gotten banged up, with a few minor cuts but nothing too major. He had helped you up, observing the wound on your side, the blood had slowed but was still flowing. You had felt weak from blood loss by this time and you were drifting in and out of consciousness.

Before you completely passed out you felt someone wrap their arms around you, picking you up to carry you. You knew it was Techno but didn't have the strength to say anything. The only thing you wanted to do right now was sleep, you were very tired at this point.

"Let's get you home and fixed up Y/n..." was the last thing you heard before you became unconscious. 

(Hello Hello everyone, sorry for not posting in a long time.... after the news it really hit me hard and I was thinking of abandoning this book. Then I thought about how I could finish it in order to help carry on his legacy and memory, so that's what I'm doing! Hope you enjoy this chapter!)

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