Man in the Mask..

544 19 8

(TW: there will be some violence and some assault in this chapter)

(Y/n Pov)

You had been here talking for quite a while now so you thought you'd go and explore the building some, as you went out of the room you admired the chandeliers more and took notice of every detail you could from the walls, doors, and art that was hung up.

You looked in different rooms seeing bedrooms, a kitchen, bathrooms, a few gaming rooms, and plenty of other things to be seen. It was a nice place to be in and there were nice people there too. Though there were a few you didn't have a good feeling about specifically Schaltt he gave you a sort of off feeling not to mention he smelled of booze and seemed drunk.

As you were walking the halls you thought you had heard someone following you but when you looked back the hall was empty so you kept walking. A few moments later you were admiring a painting on the wall when you heard someone call out to you, turning around you saw Schaltt.

"Hey, Y/n what are you doing out here by yourself?" He came over to you and gave you what seemed to be an innocent smile.

"Oh, just thought I'd get some air and explore the place," you returned the smile as you continued to walk around, with him following you.

There was silence for a moment other than just the sound of your feet stepping on the ground. That was until Schaltt spoke up.

(I will say this is about where the TW starts)

"You know, we don't get many people from the Nether at least not many that are as pretty as you Y/n. I hope you'll be staying with us for a while who knows maybe you'll find someone of interest too" he stopped and grabbed your hand, rubbing his over yours as he looked into your eyes.

"Well, I do plan on staying for a while, as for anyone of interest I certainly do find Techno is a nice person, after all, I wouldn't be here without him" you slowly pull your hand away not wanting to seem rude.

Before you could, however, he held your wrist tighter than before, he seemed angry now from what you've just said but was trying to keep calm.

"I think some people may already have an interest in you Y/n, and I can assure you Technoblade is not one of them. I've already taken quite a liking to you Ms. L/n and I won't allow you to slip through my grasp so easily." With that he pulled you closer to him, wrapping his arm around your waist while still holding onto your hand.

"Schaltt if you would kindly remove your arm from my waist, then we won't have any problems. You reek of booze, and you're probably drunk." You were disgusted by his actions and wanted to be free and away from him.

"Oh, please I've known about you since you first stepped through that portal a few days ago, I've had my eyes on you since then you know such a fine jewel you are. I can make you a deal if you'd like?" He had an evil grin, one that sent shivers down your spine.

"What might this deal be Mr. Schaltt?" you looked him in the eye prepared for anything he might do.

"It's simple really if you marry me, I'll give you anything you want you'll live here with me, and I'll make sure no one bothers you. I'll even give you some control of L'Manburg".

(Yes, I know that when Schaltt was mayor he changed it to Manburg but here we are please don't come at me for this)

You didn't like where this was going, and you wanted out of this situation now. You had an off feeling about him and now you knew why.

"It's a very nice offer really, but I'm afraid I'll have to decline I don't see you like that Schaltt" this angered him so much as he started yelling at you his grip tightened and you couldn't escape. You also didn't have your weapons with you, they had to be left in the front area. You hoped someone was coming and soon.

(Dreams Pov)

As I was walking the halls, I heard Schaltt screaming he was probably drunk again so I was going to ignore it until I heard Y/n's voice. Schaltt must've had her or was trying to do something they didn't like which is why I quickly walked over to the area it was coming from.

Sure enough, I see Schaltt holding on to Y/n, yelling at them about some kind of deal involving...marriage? He was at it again doing the same thing he did to Quackity and Puffy.

"That bastard already trying to hurt them!" I thought. I had to stop this and quickly before he did something stupid, if Techno were here, he'd already be dead, I'm sure.

With that I started walking towards them not giving it a second thought, I couldn't let him just hurt someone who hasn't even been here a week.

(Y/n Pov)

I didn't have a way to defend myself, I didn't have my weapons and my arm wasn't in a good place to punch him so what was I going to do here? That's when I saw Dream walking over here I was glad he came at the right time.

"Oh, thank god someone's here, "I thought.

Dream comes over and punches Schaltt right in the face to which he lets go and stumbles back a few feet.

"What the hell Dream?!" he was pissed he was holding onto his nose as it seemed to be bleeding this made you want to laugh. "He deserved it'' You thought to yourself. "They haven't even been here a week and you're already trying to hurt them just like you did to Big Q and Puffy, you really are scum aren't you Schaltt? Don't go near them again or I'm sure if Techno finds out he'll have your head" I grabbed Y/n lightly and led them back to the room with everyone else.

(TW ends here)

"Techno would have his head if he knew. What does that mean?" you shook the thought off as you walked back down the hall heading towards the main room.

"Thank you for helping me Dream, even when you didn't have to" you looked up at the smiling mask he wore and smiled at him.

"It's not a problem besides the last thing you need is someone pulling some shit like that when you've only just arrived here and before the festival might I add"

"I probably could've handled it if I had my weapons and my arms"

"Sometimes you don't always get that in situations like that, but did he hurt you?" he looked at you, observing your face and arms.

"No, I'm alright other than my wrist being a little sore from his grip, but that's all"

You two talked a little more, getting to know each other before you reached the doors of the main room. You two walked in and the room went silent, Techno walked over with a somewhat concerned look.

"What happened to them Dream? You normally just ignored people" Techno looked over you to make sure you weren't injured or anything.

"Schaltt trying to make the same deal with them as Puffy and Big Q, luckily I got there before he did any real damage.

Techno gritted his teeth he didn't seem too pleased with that idea at all. You looked over at Quackity who was looking back at you and Puffy.

"Lo voy a matar y lo hare lo mas lento y doloroso posible." Quakity had said and this had made you giggle a little bit which eased the room a little bit.

Everyone slowly went back to conversating, and you talked to Dream more, slowly learning to trust him and even making a possible friend and ally.

(Translation here)

Lo voy a matar y lo haré lo más lento y doloroso posible.

(I'm going to kill him and I'm going to make it as slow and as painful as possible.) 

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