The Vault...

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(Techno's Pov)

Today was the day I plan to ask Phil and Y/n to join me in destroying L'Manburg Dream and I have been planning this for a while now and he's been getting the TNT set up to be dropped down. I've finally gotten enough netherite, potions, wither skulls, and should sand to go through with my plan.

'I figure Phil will go for it since he had to murder his own son a while back. Although I'm not sure if Y/n will be I certainly hope so though. Guess there's only one way to find out.'

(3rd Person Pov I think)

With that Techno walks around for a bit until he goes to the living room where Y/n and Phil were chatting. When they noticed him, they looked up, Techno merely sat down in one of the chairs being very silent as they kept chatting. Neither of them knew what was going on so they just continued talking for a while.

Every now and then Y/n would catch Techno staring at them and Phil before looking away when he was noticed. This was strange behavior seeing as he doesn't normally do this, but they tried to ignore it the best they could.

After an hour or so of Phil and Y/n talking they stopped and looked at Techno, to which he looked back at them there was a tense sort of aura in the room that no one wanted to acknowledge.

"Alright mate, what's going on with you? You've been staring at us off and on and have been silent so spill it." Phil finally broke the awkward silence which you were thankful for.

"I have something to show you two then I'll tell you what it's for, but I have to know that you two won't tell anyone about it, all right?"

"I promised you a long time ago your secrets are safe with me Techno" Phil's words earned a small smile from Techno.

"I promise that I won't tell anyone about your plans either, I wouldn't want to betray a friend"

"Well, with that out of the way we should get going to look at what I have in store"

We stood up and walked out of the house, following Techno out into the snow and through a little forest. Once we reached there, he moved some vines and pressed a button which opened the side of the hill, and I have never seen so much TNT and wither skeleton skulls in my life surprising since I came from the Nether.

"Welcome to the Vault just a little project I've been working on for a while now. Just a small project is all" Techno's tone lowered and you felt aura shift around you to a darker one.

With that, you all walked into the vault looking around at the armor, weapons, and supplies. That's when someone, in a green hoodie and a white smiling mask stepped out from the corner. Before you could ask, however, Techno started speaking.

"So, Dream and I's plan is to blow up L'Manburg governments have caused so many issues to all of us and people have been divided. Our plan is to take down this government and put an end to the Tyranny and Dictatorship in this land. Dream will be building TNT Canons up in the sky over. L'Manburg while we fight from below and summon withers. I need to know if you two will join me in this battle."

"Sure mate, I'm in they made me kill my own son after all and I won't forgive them for that"

With that, the whole room looked to you awaiting your answer as if there wasn't enough pressure here already. However, you didn't mind this, it's not like you were attached to the town or anything and Schaltt deserves this after trying a stunt like that with you.

"Of course, I'm in, governments are overrated and need to be stopped so people can live freely and how they want."

With that, you went over when you would carry out the plan and where everyone was going to be. You weren't as nervous as you were excited, you were going to be carrying out this plan in a few days so it would be best to get some rest and do what you can until then.

You knew this would make enemies and people would turn on you but you didn't care you were doing all of this for him, and nothing will get in your way this time. 

(P.S: Italics will mean what the person is thinking)

The Final Dance // Technoblade x readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن