Left Hanging...

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(Y/n Pov)

You woke up to the sound of Tommy screaming for Techno not to kill him, you could hear the sound of someone running around the house but also the smell of freshly made pancakes with eggs and strawberries. You had a peaceful night's sleep, so you got up, got ready, and walked downstairs now seeing what was going on.

You saw Techno chasing Tommy while trying to grab him, Phil's in the kitchen that explains the food and Wilbur was cheering Techno on as they sprinted from one side of the house to the other. You were confused yet, found the sight before you amusing so you walked over to Wilbur.

"So, what did Tommy do to piss off Techno?" you watched the two running around, then looked back to Wilbur.

"Oh, Tommy stole his axe and hid it somewhere, he still hasn't told him where it is, so now Tommy is running for his life," Wilbur gave you a warm smile then looked back at the scene.

After about five minutes of running around Techno tackled Tommy to the ground and kept him there. He seemed very pissed off, so you thought it was a good idea to stay away and let them handle this.

"WHERE THE HELL IS MY AXE TOMMY!" Techno was definitely pissed off by this point you were surprised he had kept his cool for that long.

"You'll have to find it piggy; I've forgotten where it's at" Tommy gave him a smug smile which only made Techno madder.

"You should just tell him where it's at Tommy or he might actually kill you, just like last time" Wilbur implied as he got up and walked to the kitchen.

While Techno kept yelling at Tommy and everyone was occupied you decided that you'd look for Techno's axe to stop it all. You walked around the house looking in the nooks and crannies and even high above since Tommy had wings.

You went up to the attic and looked around, moving boxes and other things but there was no sign of Techno's axe. You were about to head back down when there was a beam of light that came down beside you. You looked up noticing that Techno's axe was on one of the beams of the attic.

You didn't know how to get it down considering how high up it was, it was just sort of tied there hanging down. So, you decided to climb up and get it besides what could go wrong right? As you began to climb up the shaky walls of the attic misplacing your foot and almost falling here and there.

You finally made it to the beams which you had to balance on and be slow on. They seem like they could break at any moment, so you want to be extra careful, you made it to where the axe was and lifted it up, untying it and standing back up.

"Well, that was easier than I expected, I figured there would be something wro-" the next thing you knew a net fell on top of you and you were left hanging from the beams in the attic.

The worst part was, you let go of the axe which was now on the floor so you couldn't just cut your way out of this. You were stuck here the attic was closed back up because it shut behind you so no one would even hear you from up here. You thought of what you could do to get down, but there wasn't anything that came to mind. The rope was too thick for you to chew through it, and you didn't have anything to cut it with.

You did try yelling but nothing happened, you were met with silence, though you didn't think it would work, it was worth a try. You sat in the net for what seemed like hours waiting and hoping someone came up, but nothing had happened. You were stuck here, and you didn't know what to do.

You looked around at the attic's floor at all the stuff sitting around you saw some mirrors, wooden weapons, a violin, and what looked like tnt. The attic had a bunch of boxes in it, and you were curious what was all there, but you didn't want to snoop through their stuff, well it's not like you could at the moment anyway.

You were surprised the beam was holding up, it looked like it could break at any moment and send everything falling down. Guess the beam is stronger than you thought it was.

"Well, this has been an interesting morning" you let out a frustrated sigh you left just, hanging there and you couldn't get out.

You were about to fall asleep when you heard something or someone move, you looked down but didn't see anyone, you looked around, but nothing was there so, you thought it was your imagination. That's when you saw a shadow looming over you and that's when you saw someone or something that made you want to scream... 

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