18.rar - Eng

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cw // like the tittle, this chap written fully in English just because I can lol.




Riki wished he was eighteen. The international legal age.

Everyone said being a kid is a good thing; you don't need worry too much about 'the grown ups' bussiness. That made him snorts when he heard that for the first time, he wasn't a kid--he is a teenager. They make him looks like nine or ten when his sixteen birthday is coming up soon.

It's still a funny situation for him. He already looks older for his age, some noona that he passed by thought he is twenty or something. He grew up five centimeters in last one year, now he passed the six feet tall mark.

He's a teenager. Not a kid. But this particular person thinks he's still a baby that needs protection.

Guess who is this particular person. Not that hard to guess actually.

Someone who had these pretty big eyes like Bambi character, pointed nose, round cheeks like bread, illuminating bright smile you've ever seen, gentle-soothing voice, and kindest personality.

"Pick the game consol back to the box." Riki was just about to end the game he played when someone talked to him with this soft tone. "I don't want Sunghoon to nag because he thinks we destroying the dorm when we actually just playing game."

Riki laughed a little. He looked up to see the most heartwarming face in his life (other than his parents) before he smiles. "Sunghoon Hyung is always be the drama queen," responded him. "Okay, I'll pick it back."

Heeseung smiled back. He walked to Riki then patted his head. "Good kid."

Riki always loves when Heeseung pats his head, but he doesn't like how Heeseung smiles at him with a big brother smile.

He never wanted only to be Heeseung's little brother.

"I'm not a kid," shrugged Riki with a little teasing smile. He got up right after Heeseung plopped on the couch beside him. "I'm turning sixteen next month."

Heeseung scrunched his nose cutely. Riki thought he would die by only Heeseung's cuteness. "Yeah, yeah. I'm twenty one, you're still a kid for me after all," answered Heeseung, stuffing some cookies to his mouth. "Even I must admit you look mature for your age."

One of Riki's eyebrow raised. "Oh, you admit it that I don't look like a kid like you said before, Hyung?"

Heeseung rolled his eyes. He munched his cookie, making his cheeks looking rounder than usual. He looked as same as a hamster--like what their fans always say about Heeseung's appearance. 

"You are a kid by age and personality." Heeseung stated. "Anyway, please go to the side. You're blocking the view from TV."

Riki saw some crumbs beside Heeseung's plump lips.

It made him go closer to the later. Heeseung himself looked a bit startled when Riki came closer and bend over in front of him.


"You have some left over here, Hyung." Riki swiped up the crumbs with his left thumb. While doing that, he swam upon those pretty lips. His brain went riot.

How it feels to kiss him? To claim those lips? To confess all his feelings to his hyung? To let out all the struggle of holding crushes for the older?

To be the other's someone? To freely hold his hand? To share pecks when they play game together?

Riki licked the rest of the crumbs from his thumbs before smirking a little. "Looks who's acting like a kid now."

Before he could hear Heeseung's protest, he ran off to his room with biggest laugh. Heeseung screamed in dissagreement, even his scream sounded really angelic to Riki.

When he locked himself in his room, there was Jungwon who looked at him with some confusion.

"What are you doing?" asked Jungwon with questioning face. "Do you tease Heeseung hyung again?"

Riki grinned. His chest felt full of something indescribable.  "What else can I do?"

He might be keep up about his massive crush to Heeseung until Heeseung finally can look him as a grown up, not some playful little brother.


18 : end


A/N : you guys might be rioting right now karena aku nulis full english HAHAH sorry not sorry otakku lagi gak bisa handle bahasa Indonesia akhir-akhir ini.

Makasih yang udah mau baca <3

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