Apple Bobbing

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Your stomach growled, longing for the taste of real food and the full feeling in your stomach once again.

However, no matter how much you wanted the apple, something inside of you knew that you shouldn't take it.

You look around for Micheal, wondering what he thought about the situation.

Did he have that awful gut feeling?

Did he plan this?

Was this his way of killing you?

Poisoned fruit perhaps?

It seemed for sure that he wasn't there yet because no matter where you looked, you couldn't see him.

A line began to form, a queue for the apple bobbing barrel.

You are so lost in your thoughts that before you know it, you're the last one to join and are left at the very back.

You listen to Coco tease you that there won't be an apple left for you but you didn't mind, you needed this time to contemplate your weird gut feeling.

The queue slowly moves forward and you find yourself dreading every step.

Before you know it, you are right beside the barrel.

The others had all successfully bobbed their apples and were either savouring them or rapidly devouring them.

You watched as tears fell from Dinah's eyes as she admired her prize.

Venable was waiting by the barrel with Meade and she spoke, bringing your attention to the two of them.

"Y/n? It's your turn."

Venable never lightened up, it was annoying.

She always seemed to sound stern, and like the was up to no good.

You quickly nod, not wanting to seem suspicious or even worse, ungrateful.

With the music swaying in the background, you plunge your head in the icy cold water, fishing for the last apple with your teeth.

Sound muffled as you grabbed the fruit and wrenched your head up, wet hair dangling in front of your eyes.

A smile crept across your face.

You felt revitalised by the fresh water and now, you knew you were going to feel better after having the fruit.

You backed away from the barrel, not taking your eyes away from the apple.

All previous dread had long since vanished.

You stood beside Coco and watch as she and Malcom stuff their faces.

You don't eat the apple just yet, noticing Langdon hovering in the corner of the room.

His eyes were narrowed and he wore a long black coat, making him look suspicious.

You quickly look away and begin to chat to Coco, biting into your apple to blend in.

Although you were wearing a blue dress, contrasting to everyone else's clothes, Micheal seemed not to notice you.

Instead he headed towards the barrel, speed walking.

You glance back at your apple.

It was soooo good.

Words couldn't describe how nice the taste was.

You licked your lips as the world began to flicker and blur.

Maybe it was just nausea.

As you feel yourself stumble, your worst fears were confirmed.

Something was off.

You notice the others throwing up across the floor and you barely notice the sick spewing out of your mouth.

You see a faint figure stride towards you.

It was Micheal.

You were sure he yelled something but you didn't hear.

He could've been boasting that he'd won, trying to get a last answer from you, or even trying to help you.

If he was, it was too late now.

You were fainting.

Or maybe...

Maybe you were dying.

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