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In all honestly, you knew he was going to be here but you didn't expect him to look so....


The air felt still as you watch Tate look away from the boy, clearly horrified and disgusted.

All you could do is stare as you watch tears form in the boys eyes.

What reasons did he have to cry?

Manipulation probably.

"W-Who are you?" Micheal asks, his voice shaky at first before solidifying, "And how do you know my name?"

"I-" You begin but are interrupted by another ghost gliding into the room.

Micheal's attention is suddenly diverted from you and towards Ben Harmon.

Micheal suddenly looked more scared than curious as his eyes begin to brim.

"I- I didn't m-mean to do it." At that point, tears were streaming down his face, "I- I don't know what came over me. I promise that's not me. It... It... I can't explain it. I- I wish I was..."

Micheal slumped against the wall and resulted to heavy tears that were much worse than yours.

The antichrist seemed so broken.

And that was before he had realised who he was.

You couldn't help but feel bad for the boy but you also couldn't help but wonder what it was that he'd done.

You ask Tate and when he didn't reply, you ask Ben Harmon.

"Do what?" You ask, agitated at Tate ignoring you.

"W-Why would you care?" Langdon spat, interrupting Ben Harmon before he could even speak.

To be fair, you couldn't think of a great answer to that.

You wanted to be nice to the boy but then again couldn't be bothered.

"Because I come into the murder house to chat to a friend." You begin, although it was partly a lie, "and then someone comes in looking like some kid after breaking up from a primary school relationship."

Tate smirks a little but Micheal didn't find it funny.

Micheal scowls at you.

"You don't understand. You could never understand." He says, maliciously glaring at you.

You walk forwards as you speak, flinging your arms to emphasise your point.

"But what did you do?" You ask, frustrated at this point.

Micheal clearly felt threatened by your approach, you could sense it just by looking at his body language.

However, you didn't expect him to be able to shove you across the room with simply the jerk of his head.

You collide with the kitchen wall at what felt like a very high speed and hit your head hard.

You rub the back of your head as it began to throb.

The two ghosts switch between staring at you and then at Micheal, both were too stunned to speak.

You wondered if it was just those two ghosts watching or if the whole lot of them were.

You raise your eyebrows at the boy.

How did his powers work in the house?

The house was too evil for powers-


You realised that the house's evil must make him stronger.

You had better get him out of there.

Or he'd get mad.

And that would be bad.

That Witch Bitch: ContinuedWhere stories live. Discover now