Related to Herobrine, Hero Steve and Hero Alex?!

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'This should keep the government fully away from Miss. Shigaraki and give her a chance to get even stronger and earn her license to be a hero. I fear the government is going to far and that's not a good thing at all really.' The leader of HPSC thinks as Izumi made them a new base to use. HPSC loves their new HQ and made sure to have a lot stuff moved in thanks to her building it really.

Izumi was taking a nap under a tree on her land when Hisashi Jr came over and he shakes her awake saying Miruko needs her making her to go over and carry her brother since he is three-years-old really. Izumi can't wait to help him train as Miruko got his training for his age really.

"Kaa-san, Hisashi Jr said you needed me for something?" Izumi said as she has the other six with her to make this a family thing since it's all legal really.

"Why hello there, Miss. Shigaraki. I work with the HPSC. I'm Gai and yes, my hero name is Gai from Naruto. I swear both Gai and Rock Lee are father and son and no one is going to change my mind as Gai could have knocked a woman up and she hid the child from him really!

How else would the two have the same hair cut like Gai and his father really?! Sorry, getting out of topic there." The kids laugh as Gai was funny making him to smile as he shows a clear plastic bag with candy and hands it over to Izumi with the tag still on it really. Izumi takes and places it into her inventory making her to look to him now.

"HPSC did a Gene Test on your incubator, Inko and found that she's related to Herobrine from four thousand years ago. When you were fighting Stain..."

"Mama went up against him?!" Kota.

"Mama, why didn't you tell us?!" Kai.

"Mama, you should have told us!" Nixon.

"Mama, don't hide things like this from us!" Katsuma.

"Mama, what if you never come back?!" Eri.

"We deserve to know this stuff!" Kahoro.

"Me nuu los mama!" Hisashi Jr.

"I didn't want to worry you all. Mama does have to hide some stuff if it's a mission one really. O.K?"

"O.K, mama." All seven said making her to smile at them as she turns to Gai.

"Sorry about that. What were you going to say, sir?" Izumi said as she will need to hide her mission files from her kids.

"When you went against Stain, he said your eyes were glowing white and you were moving faster. He also swears to have seen a creeper near by that exploded a big purple monster with wings since it showed up on it's back of the neck and killed it really.

Did you remember anything before that?" Izumi thinks as she readjusts Hisashi Jr in her arms.

"He taunt me with 'Scared?' and I growled before I don't remember anything else, but someone looking like Steve with glowing white eyes. He said; 'So. You're my descendent. Never liked how your okaa-sama abused, starved and hated you for just doing a DNA test.

The reason you didn't feel a sparked with him was because he's related to Hero Steve and Hero Alex from four thousand years ago like I was. They were my friends and were recognized as Heroes when I wasn't. Guess it was my fault for going for the mapping career, the Cartographer Job then.

That was my fault for picking that one as I could have gone for Blacksmith, Toolsmith and Mason to help the villagers out back than really. I looked a lot like Steve which is why the villagers mistaking me for him. Guess that makes him my brother or something really.

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