Chapter 16 A Hard Road

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Creed falls asleep with Yana sitting right next to him " I will not leave your side Creed!" She says as she sits on a fur-covered log beside Creed. Shaman and Akela came in, Akela asks" Did he fall back asleep?" She nods "Okay, well then I will tell you he has a hard road ahead with as long as he was exposed to the toxin before he got the right kind of help, it will take some time before the antibiotics take full effect. As of right now, the wolf remains dormant. I do not know for how long Yana I wish I did I'm sorry!" Yana looks at him with worry " will he be the Shadorn wolf-blood again? The one I fell for nineteen winters ago?" Akela nods " eventually yes Yana, but he is going to need help from all of the packs and everyone else!" She nods as Akela walks over to Vala and Saku " Damn Saku I have never seen the kind of power you possess in anyone. I don't know how but my sister Keela even helped!" Midnight walked in just as she said the last line " Well Akela that was me!" She turns to see Midnight walking in through the beads " I didn't recognize you Midnight! What happened?" Midnight held up the glowing amulet " they found this across the lands after an incident with the moons, I turned..." Akela walks to her putting a hand on her shoulder " I know Midnight I've been watching! It was horrible to see you like that so fragile and vulnerable!" Midnight puts her head down " Yea it was bad, I've never felt so helpless than that time." Akela nods " I bet!" she walks back over to Vala and Saku " How is she taking the antibiotics?" Saku looks up and grins "Good" Akela says. Uri walks in " so who is going to be in charge of this place while Creed is out ?" Arnora also walks in as the question was asked " The next in line for leadership would be Saku berserk ice-blood!" He nods " well Saku I know it's sudden, but his mentor wanted me to tell you that while Creed Shadorn is out, you must look over things here. With that said you might want to come look at this, Midnight you too!" They walk out to see two very large celestial wolves standing around the outside walls. Their legs were so massive one of the legs covered half of the wall while the other covered the rest of the wall. The body covered the full length of the wall as well as the entrance. "Damn that is huge!" Saku says, Uri said " Yes after the effects of the poison with Creed and Vala getting poisoned and multiple villagers getting killed the spirit realm decided to let them guard the land. While they guard there will be no evil come close to that entrance or around here." Saku nods " good! Maybe Creed will get better and start treating us better instead of giving us all kinds of grief. Hey Akela! How long will Vala be out?" Akela tells him "At least a few days, possibly, hopefully." He nods ok " then I will stay around here and wait until she wakes up!" Akela nods walking out of the hut carrying a vile and towards the burned spot crouching down opening the vile and pouring some liquid on it. She stands back watching it sizzle and smoke when she realizes what the stuff was and why it's affecting Creed and Vala, she turns and jogs back into the hut " Ok! I know what is going on with them!" She says, Saku and Yana Look up Akela tells them " that poison is a tar-based venom. Very difficult to get off and even more difficult to get out of your system regardless of who you are. Creed was in the direct line of it at first so it took a tad bit longer to affect him and Vala on the other hand, swiped some on her finger. Saku look on her hands for any cuts or open wounds, Yana Creed got some spit on him I suggest you find him different clothes. Because of that, however, they both are in what I call poison a coma, now they will wake up from this, but we need to make sure to be here for them when they wake up. They may wake up with no memory of what happened from five hours up to that point or no memory from that point on for a few days. Just be here for them that's the best thing for them right now." Saku cursed out loud and Vala stirred a little bit Akela told him "yes they can still hear you!" Yana Sat beside Creed speaking in an elvish tongue " I will stand, sit, kneel beside you. I will be your shield and will be whatever it is that you need me to be my love, please come back to us, come back to me." Arnora walks in carrying a long shield that was pointy at the bottom. The body of it had a Nordic compass engraved into it with the words in Saku's language " we stand to fight together for victory!" Arnora looks at them " Yana?" She looks up with tears in her eyes " Yana, I... my clan and I want to extend our thoughts and support in hopes Creed will return to full power once again in gains that he will still have the remembrance of family, loyalty, honor, and love." Yana nods " Thank you Arnora that's sweet of you guys." Akela informs them that the two will be this way for at least two winters. Yet a very long road traveled, but it will be better, it just takes some time. Saku stands, but falls " What the hell?" The Shaman appears " Saku! Master! Your Systir is weak which in turn has you weak as well, but you must fight this Master, fight it with everything in you, call on the ancestors." The Shaman disappears shortly after telling him that. Saku looks at Vala as she lays there with a little life left barely holding on to the thread, he looks up to the clouds and spoke in his native tongue " Give me the strength, courage, and bravery to stand and stand firm and defend my family for glory!" Thunder rumbles across the sky as lightning struck in the courtyard. A figure walks into the hut and stops in front of Saku " My boy! We are all with you! Go to the settlement's longhouse and look around over and under everything, there is something there for you!" The figure walks out and vanishes.

unexpected offer( Book 4)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang