Chapter 9 - More Problems

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Pixal POV

I just woke up in the morning to find my father gone, I went to the kitchen to find a note. I picked it up and I found it out it was from my father. it read

"Hey, Pixal,

I forgot to tell you that on Fridays I got my early meeting with my members. I would advise if you want to see me in the morning you might need to wake up at 6:25 am to see me  I normally leave at 6.35 am. If you want to leave when I go to my meeting, go to the 6:50 bus,

Hope you enjoy your day 

Love from your Father"

I kept my fathers note in my pocket and had breakfast and got ready for school, then I catches the bus my friends catch.

"Hey Pix" Skylor greeted me,

"Hi Skylor, how was your day?" I asked.

"Oh super-duper amazing day for me, my friend no my boyfriend Kai has just asked me out!" she said happily and kind of shy.

"Oh that is amazing congratulations Skylor," I said happily.

As we arrived at school I went to my locker while Skylor would meet up with my other friends. All of sudden someone pinned me to the wall, it was Harumi (oh not again). 

"what do you want," I said trying not to show any fear, 

"Oh nothing, just want to play around with you," she said then tripping me on the ground and electrifying me, then asking the Sons of Garmodon Gang to see. I began to hide my face so no one could see me crying. I could feel pain in my back when Harumi kept on zapping me, I could feel my tears continuously falling. 

Skylor POV

Me and Pixal has just arrived at school, later I was waiting for my other friends to arrive. When they arrived I saw Kai and his friends, we all greeted them and they came with us to our locker. 

We were surprised to see that there was a crowd around me and Pixal's locker, I looked at Nya and Akita worryingly. As we pushed to the front of the crowd, we saw Pixal on the floor hiding her face and getting zapped by Harumi. I could tell Pixal is crying, I began to kick the zapper out of her hand and wrestle her to the ground. 

I saw the other pushing the gang back and getting the teacher to come, eventually when I finished fighting with Harumi the teacher came.

"Harumi, Week detention for bullying" she yelled,

"But Ms I didn't do anything I was just playing with this" She whined sarcastically.

"nonsense, Leave!" She yelled to her.

"grrrr," she growled at me and Nya,

Zane POV

After the teacher yelled at Harumi (She deserved it) she began to help Pixal up, 

"May I help her? I'm her closest friend" I asked.

"ok, just be careful she is finding it hard to walk, we might need to take her to sickbay".

I nodded as I helped Pixal up and helped her get to the sickbay, as I waited outside with my friends. Later Pixal came out from the sick bay door, I immediately stood up and hugged her. She smiled and I felt her arms around me, I could hear some of my friends giggling so I quickly pulled away and blushed.

"How are you feeling Pixal," Nya asked,

"Ok, a bit the nurse just had to check if the zapper from Harumi did any harm to me," Pixal said.

"well, what did she say?" Nya asked,

"That I was fine and there was no harm done, except I might get pains on my back during my day at school and she advises me to tell my father what I can do," Pixal said.

"will you still be fine?" I asked feeling worried,

"Yeh I guess," she said.

"Come on let's get to class before we get late," I said when I grabbed her hand and taking her to her locker and helped her get her things for class.

When she left I waved at her and she waved back at me and left, I watched her leave with worry hoping she would be ok at class.

Lloyd POV

During recess, I walked up to the table my friends and Nya's friend sat at, as I sat down I saw Akita sitting next to me. I looked at Pixal in front of me, she was doing her work and also eating her food. She looked like she had just got out of her bed at home, 

"Pixal, I just want to say I am sorry about Harumi. She is a big nightmare for me, this bullying thing happens nearly to us every day." I said to her,

"Oh no need to apologize for that, I know how difficult it is to have a terrible ex-girlfriend but at least you have someone to help you like Akita," she said looking at me and smiling.

When she mentioned to Akita how she is helping me get through this "Harumi rage of bullying" ( this is how I would call Harumi everyday bullying) I kind of blushed at that. I could see Akita in the corner of my eye blushing while looking at me.

"Thanks for that Pix," I said happily,

"Your Welcome," she said also grinning at Zane who was looking at her grinning.

After school, I was packing my bag to walk home to my home to greet my mother Misako. I always thought Misako was a wise lady, because of how she speaks and how she defends me from Harumi (which happened once when last year I was in a mothers day breakfast and Harumi was going to try and make a scene with me when my mother notices this and argues with her and eventually my mom won and Harumi felt like she was defeated). 

My thought was interrupted by something grabbing me, it was Harumi!!!!

"Oh no, not again" I yelled inside my head.

"You, it was all your fault that I am suffering from a week detention of cleaning the ladies restrooms!!!" She yelled as she began to wrestle me to the ground.

"No, it's yours because you show no kindness," said grabbing her and punching her face then running away from the school if she comes chasing me and starting to create a big scene.

Luckily she wasn't there when I was walking home,  as I arrived home I was greeted by my mother. 

Even though Harumi has been bulling some of us today I still think I had a great day especially getting Harumi into trouble. she deserved that, to be punished because she never actually got punished when she bullied someone because she blamed the person who was bullied.

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