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"Where are we going, daddy?" a young h/c haired girl asked as she was pulled by her dad through the dark streets of New York.

It was quiet. Unusual for the city especially since it was a Friday night.

They rounded a corner and walked through an alley, around and around. Deeper into the back alleys of the city until eventually they stopped.

In front of them were stairs that went down to a basement room of a building.

The girl froze. An image flashed into her head. The image of her father letting go of her hand and leaving her alone, never returning.

"Don't... don't let go.." she whispered as he went to release his hold on the child, "please! Daddy! Don't leave me! Don't leave me alone!"

"Let me go," he let out a low tch and pulled his hand away, the momentum knocked the girl down the stairs just as the door at the bottom opened. She landed in front of a man with tattoos covering everywhere the girl could see, he was tall and imposing.

"This the brat with the freakish abilities?" the tattooed man asked, glancing up to the girls father.

"That's her," her father confirmed, "she's a curse. Everything she says, will happen. Be careful."

"We're always careful," the man replied with a low grunt, he crouched down and stared at the girl, "we'll take her. Moneys in the car at the end of the alley. They'll take you back to the airport."

The girls father nodded and turned, leaving.

"No! Daddy!" the girl quickly scrambled to her feet and tried to run after him but was caught by the other man.

"He's no longer your dad kid. He just sold you to us, HYDRA," the man told her, "you belong to us so don't try to run away, got it, kid?"

The girl shrunk back and looked away.

Again. It happened again. Those visions she saw came true and her father left her behind. No. He sold her off. He abandoned her.

"You'll abandon your old name, y/n, your new name is n/n," the man told her, dragging her into the building, "and you'll work and live for HYDRA. Don't even think about trying to escape because..."

He turned to her and smiled.

"There's no way out once you're in," he told her.

His words seemed to dig deep, y/n knew that he wasn't lying and that she was stuck.

Help me... Please..

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