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A year later_

Me, Tony, Banner, and two men I didn't recognise walked towards a beam of light. From that light appeared two.... strange looking people? Creatures? Aliens?

"I'm sorry, earth is closed today," Tony announced, "so you better pack it up and get out of here."

"Stone keeper, does this chattering animal speak for you?" one of the weird creatures asked.

"Certainly not, I speak for myself," one of the men with us replied, hitting his fists together and doing some weird things before his hands were supporting some kind of strange orange swirling circle, "You're trespassing in this city and on this planet."

The other man did the same.

Banner seemed to be struggling to make himself turn into the Hulk and that was very easily noticed by Tony.

As one of the alien things started approaching.

I frowned before watching it swing it's weapon towards us.

Jerking forward I started gasping.

"Again?" I muttered, "I've seen that scene five times now."

Pushing myself out of my bed, I walked to my bathroom and splashed myself with some water, waking myself up.

I quickly got changed into my work out gear and walked down to the training room where I began punching and kicking a sand bag hanging from the ceiling.

"First thing in the morning?" Tony walked in the room, "what did you see this time?"

"The same thing," I let out an annoyed huff as I punched the bag one last time and looked over to him, "I don't understand. I keep seeing the same thing over and over."

"Did you see any further than a giant alien swinging a weapon at us?" Tony asked.

"No," I shook my head, "although, I did notice that Banner was struggling to call out the Hulk."

"So, as we've established, we're going to have a tricky future," Tony nodded, "that's almost every day that you've had these. You think it's getting closer?"

"No," I shook my head, "I think I need to see something... But I can't see it. I don't know what it wants. But it was the first time I saw Banner like that so.."

I shrugged.

He let out a hum before gesturing for me to follow.

"I made pancakes for breakfast," he told me.

"I just got down here though," I frowned.

"You are well conditioned, y/n, you do not need to be down here this morning," he told me, "come on. Food. I'm hungry."

"You're always hungry," I chuckled, "don't you have a showing this morning?"

"Yeah," he nodded, "coming with?"

"No," I shook my head as we walked to where the kitchen was, "I have better things to do. And no, I am not going to babysit your spider boy while you're at MIT either."

"What're you going to do then?" he asked as we sat down.

"I was thinking, you know, now we know where my dad and sister are," I paused.

"No," Tony put his hand up, "that is a bad idea, that is a very bad idea."

I poured myself a bowl of cereal and he just looked at his pancakes with a frown.

"I made pancakes," he gestured.

"Pepper's pancakes were better," I said before pausing, "sorry."

"No. No, it's OK," Tony sighed.

"Are you OK?" I asked.

"I'm fine," he replied.

"Said every single human ever," I poked him, "should I go to MIT with you?"

"No, no," he shook his head, "but I still stand when I say it's a bad idea to go to your biological family. They sold you, if you don't remember."

"Oh I remember," I said as I picked up one of the pancakes and ate it while I waited for the milk to soak my cereal just a bit, "I remember it well. After all, if it's not the future bugging me, it's the past."

He bumped our shoulders together lightly.

"Your pancakes are a bit better," I smiled, he let out a small laugh.

"I'll have you know, my pancakes are the best," he told me.

"Debatable," I hummed before quickly eating my cereal, "when do I have to be at the Avengers base again?"

"Tomorrow afternoon," he replied, "maybe you should come to MIT with me after all. Make sure you get there on time."

"I manage time better than you, Tony Stark, I think I don't need a babysitter," I told him, "isn't that fight, Friday?"

"Yes, miss y/n," Friday replied.

"See? Even the AI says so," I gestured to nothing.

"Traitor," Tony scoffed before passing me my keys, "remember-"

"Call if I'm in trouble," I finished, "I know."

"And-" he raised his brows.

"God. What are you? My dad?" I asked, "be careful on the bike. I'm not sixteen anymore. I'm nineteen, if you forgot."

"I didn't," he quickly smiled before letting me take the keys, "drive safe."

"You too, Friday," I spoke to the AI, "after all, I know you won't be driving, Tony."

"Know me too well," he tsked, "remember, two days."

I nodded.

"I got it, I got it," I repeated, "I'll see you in two."

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do," he called after me as I began walking away.

"How can I? You'd do everything!" I shouted back before getting in the lift(/elevator) and travelling down to the garage.

"Friday, pull up a map to... The l/n household," I said as I walked through the garage and got onto my bike, the screen on the top of my bike just between the handles lit up.

"Mr Stark wanted me to remind you to wear a helmet," Friday spoke up just as I was getting ready to put my helmet on.

"I was just about to, Friday," I replied as I pulled it on, the screen on the viser woke up, "this the route?"

The small mapping part appeared in my vision.

"Yes," Friday confirmed.

"Cool, let's go," I started up the bike and began to ride out the building.

An hour and a half later_

"This the place?" I asked, stopping outside a pretty nice looking house.

"Yes," Friday replied.

"Anyone home?" I asked.

"Currently there is only one person in the building," Friday told me, "a woman."

My sister then. Maybe?

"OK, wish me luck," I pulled my helmet off and turned my bike up, pocketing my keys.

"Good luck," I heard Friday respond.

I put my sunglasses on and walked up to the house. I stood at the door for a couple moments before pressing the button to the bell.

"One moment!" a voice called from the other side of the door.

A couple moments passed and the door opened.

"Hi?" the girl on the other side looked very similar to me, the only difference was she didn't have my h/c hair, she seemed to also notice our resemblance, "who are you?"

"Hi. I'm your sister, my name is y/n," I greeted her awkwardly.

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