Chapter 1 - A loving Mother

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It's 3:45 PM on a Tuesday. As go through the motions of my usual shift, I make sure everything is safe and in check. Then I stop! Frozen as I noticed the loving mother and her son holding hands. It's a beautiful sight to behold. So beautiful in fact that a repressed memory I've tried to control comes back to haunt me at this moment. A Monday morning. She walked outside for the paper and then... THWACK! She got drilled by a milk truck. My own mother. The one who loved me the most. Through thick and thin. Through all the hardships and trouble. The love stayed strong. Forever lasting until it hit. The truck of depression.

Now as I stand in shock this mother and her son walk away happily. Hand in hand. I reminisce on when I would hold my mom's hand as my body shakes. The flashbacks remove any positive feelings that lay dominant. Soon after I become distraught by the intense losses I've endured throughout my lifetime. I stand broken. Basking in the horrific flashbacks that attack my mental stability. The road. The paper. The woman. Gone as the siren of the truck pulses into the cracks of my heart. The mom that meant too much. A loving mother that changed my life.

I eventually found out that milk trucks still existed after seeing what had happened all that time ago. One thing I know for sure is that the anguish and violent death of my mother will still try and strike me down. My only way to get through it is to grieve. Continually mournful.

As I wipe away the tears I decide to return to my job of patrolling the mall. Hoping that no one turned to see the cries of a weak old Mall cop. A useless pathetic shell of a man. Cracking at the seems as he scratches his newly grown beard. I thought only my uncle could grow one but that was just a lie. An abstraction. A thought to arrive later on in my long, expansive life. A life ruled by chilling memories. Moments made to rob my mind of any relaxation. They're here to only be a distraction. I know it. I need to get away but I can't.

The job of a Mall Cop is just too important for me to even leave. I know I won't. I'm stuck here as the siren continues to pass through my mind. Taunting me forever. Like my past failures. The failures that haunt the man I am today. The man in the mall. The man without a loving mother. The man battling his Hypoglycemia. His horrific inner demons. Dark recollections poised to wreck his fragile emotions.

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