Chapter 18 - The Revelation

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It's 12:18 pm and I'm sitting down on a white glossy bench near a fountain. Bathing in the light of the heavenly sky. A sense of urgency washes over me as Maya's cries cascade into my body and tell me to fight. I get up but end up falling due to my hypoglycemia. Everything is all a blur as I begin to weep and cry with tears of joy. My daughter may be gone but I'm still her spiritual guide. Helping her find the way to a glorious future as I look at the ceiling of a once beloved mall and how far it and I have fallen. And with our paths converging I realize that maybe everything was meant to be this way.

Maybe I was meant to fall so Maya could rise and race off alone. Maybe I was meant to be stuck in a world of pain. Put here on this earth by an unloving God that knows this is right as my hairy beard grows deeper and entrenches me with a mournful vengeance and an urge to rise up once more even though my fall is only the start of the blart that's yet to come and in a way, it was something we needed to see in yet another day of hostile loathing and a commercially dense world's colliding with my eternal existence that's all too similar to Die Hard but with none of the badassery and all of the broken shards and a forever broken heart.

The man in the light lies there as customers point and laugh. As a child kicks me to get up and the sugar dissipates into what's forced me to survive. The trumpets and horns of the police. A marching band of comradery, Its solidarity turns us all into a rock and roll tune that spirals out of control like a Segway staircase deepening and deepening. Crashing into the glass of a mall. Crashing into the walls of a house left behind. Screaming like a man experiencing a sugar crash. Ripping apart and falling into a wave of Reese's Pieces.

The loss of Maya hits me as the light shines on my bloated mess of a body. A candy corpse but I'm not dead. Just changing like the evolution of man. The evolution of what defines us and what makes us who we are. What makes us sleep at night and what keeps us going? Sugar yes but Maya forever and now she's gone. Into the light that shines down on me and makes me cry. I want to scream but I know it will cause a scene. I reach out a grab a Skittles packet that sits in someone's bag. They punch me and I apologize. I say to them that I need it but they ignore me as I gracefully fall into the fountain and make my first splash. I've never felt this sensation in years but it's all an illusion because the sadness isn't fake. The sadness isn't going. It's always out and within. Wondering a mall full of people we once loved that are now enveloping the brightest of lights and flashing away with Maya's story beginning and mine crumbling into harsh sinister anxiety.

Now as we witness the birth of an era where nothing is everything and depression rules us all someone finally asks the biggest question we need to hear. Am I okay? Am I...Okay? Is it just me breaking into the Shadows of what was a respected officer? Is it just me losing my mind? Am I crazy? Am I insane? Is it just me? Is it just a husk now letting go? Now leaving what he loved as Maya enters the life they always wanted? No. 

Nothing will be the same. Everything will become brittle and bruised. A mockery of what was once tasty and favorable like mom's lovely ghost of a pie once baked for us all to enjoy. Put on this earth to inspire and now burnt into a void of happiness failing into the cruelty and savagery of pure soul-crushing emptiness. A void where facial hair and days have gone by summons a demon that manifests into an unspeakable feeling. Binding me to that fading quest that destroys the officer that was always just a man in Vegas. An object trapped in a mall of eternal bleakness. Barbarism. Without love and with only the family we once knew. It's Paul Blart finally unraveling at the seams. The wheels break, and as the end nears you think the violence and anger will begin but... The curtain draws and the patroling remains forever eternal. The sun sets and a shadow in black arrives all the same. Empty but broken...

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