Epilogue - Beyond the Broken Mall

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Breathing calmly with a tortured soul, I lay still as the neon signs of the shops and the ambient nothing of the empty Mall fade out into an irrelevant Hellscape.

The time for introspection is over as the empty car park and the misty blue night sky of darkness take control of my pitiful destiny. The foul obese husk of the man who was never a hero and just a joke cries out in agony as his story ends once more and someone else falls into frame.

To whoever is reading this, you won't understand... No one will and that revelation will keep going even after the doors of the mall and the gateway to the mind shut down once and for all. As the shoppers leave and as everything is lost, the name Paul Blart is meaningless. Just another man with a different story. The man who's fat and pudgy and weak. What else can a man on the verge of an emotional crisis be? A man from beyond the mall but forever stuck inside as the sky shines bright and it all fades away in skin-crawling hypoglycaemic terror...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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