Where There Is Bravery, There Is Fear

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Despite the awful circumstance, Marlene was fully prepared to gloat

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Despite the awful circumstance, Marlene was fully prepared to gloat. Ultron had whipped everything they had on . . . well everything really. Therefore, all of their electronic files were gone. Specifically, the ones relating to Strucker. Marlene, who is "Fossil Number One", likes to read things on paper. She does this simply because it helps her interrupt things faster and better. It's called a kinesthetic learner. This means she made hard copies of almost everything they had on Strucker.

Luckily, through Marlene's "Fossil Diaries", as Tony called them, they were able to learn of a known associate of Strucker; Ulysses Klaue. He was branded a thief in Wakandan dialect . . .something Marlene prided herself on learning.

When she first came out of the ice, she was in awe of everything. She could learn the dialect of Wakanda through the internet . . . granting some flaws, of course. She was fascinated by the small country and its precious element.

In all honesty, it reminded her of Howard. He was the one that gave Steve his vibranium shield. He was the one that was originally fascinated by it. He was so interested in the element that he wanted to replicate it using an alloy . . . which was unsuccessful. Marlene was interested in the element, but she also loved to learn about different cultures. Therefore, when emerging from her ice cube, she wanted to learn about them.

And in due time, she would. In fact, Marlene would go to Wakanda . . . she'd be there a lot more than one would expect. She'd form close friendships with the princess, and then king of Wakanda.

And in a few years' time, she'd fight at Wakanda. And in a few years' time, she wouldn't see life for some time.


Marlene had made her way into her position. She was meant to sneak into the location Ultron was believed to be making a deal with Ulysses Klaue. Her job wasn't to surprise Ultron, but the twins.

Her plan was simple. She hoped with the newly developed powers of the Maximoff twins. She knew Wanda could control the mind and telekinesis. She hoped that if she kept her thoughts "quiet enough" Wanda wouldn't be able to detect her . . . that is if her powers worked that way. As for Pietro, she noticed that when he was running and came to a stop, he'd slow down . . . which was something normal people did. She was also going off of a hunch that he didn't have the best reaction times.

Her evidence and information were all assumptions and she hated it.

Her plan was pretty solid in the end, but the twins still got what they wanted.

As Pietro's blur rushed about, Marlene tracked his movements and his timing . . . sorta. It's hard when he moves at the speed of sound.

When he got to Marlene's mental trap location, she slid a trash can lid as fast as she could, aiming for his ankles. She felt deep satisfaction when he faceplanted into a pile of nets. It wasn't because she beat him, even if that was part of it. It was mainly because her plan worked.

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