Captain America: Civil War

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"'The Sokovia Accords'?"

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"'The Sokovia Accords'?"

"'re the one the love of my life is engaged to?"


"Why the actual fuck is my kid here?"

"Did you know?"

"I went for Mr. Rogers' knees just like you told me! You know because his shield is a dinner plate! It was super cool! The guy with the metal arm was cool too!"

"You all have brains. Use them."

"Miss Rogers, I am well aware it's hard to decide, but you must."

"You knew! You knew this entire time and you didn't fucking tell me!"

"Hello, James."

"I wish we met on different circumstances, Miss Rogers."

"Did that tiny man just grow like fifty feet?"

"He doesn't want to see you. He can't face you, learning what he did."

"Ayo, Sam! You're looking fine today!"

"I didn't want you to be alone."

"I knew Peggy was going to ... eventually. It just doesn't seem real."

"That's repulsive."

"Give him these...Make sure he knows i don't blame him."

"I did everything in my power to keep my family together, but it wasn't enough."

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