Chapter 1: How It Started For Me

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                          My name is Suzui Kaede, and I am one of the students here on Hyakkaou Academy. When I first came here, on the very first day of first year high school, every thing seemed normal. Everyone was nice, pleasant and agreeable. But then, the school hours ended; that was when the craziness began. Everyone that was kind turned into someone crazy and they all moved into haste and pure chaos. They assembled the chairs and everyone was grinning at me, it was kind of uncomfortable actually. I then asked a student, who seemed to act like he's higher than everyone as he kept on ordering them around. 

"Hi, may I ask you something?"

"Sure thing, sweetheart."

"Umm.. what's happening?"

"Oh, our lovely classmates are just preparing for a game. We actually prepared this for you, would you mind joining?"

"Oh, not at all. What kind of game would it be?"

"It's the gambling kind, sweetheart."

           That's when everything turned upside-down for me. Turns out, the school has this kind of traditions of gambling. They gamble every break times, lunch or after school. My first game is a little rough for me and I don't know what I was doing. They explained the game and I understood it since it was fairly simple. We played for three rounds and all that was happening was me, losing. At that point, I already knew there was something shady going on, they're all cheating. This guy even used our classmates to team up with him. 

      It's a good thing that I soon cracked what he was doing "under the table" and busted his cheating. He wanted to stop the gamble and leave me with a lot of debt; so, what I did was practically beg him for another round. He was fooled by my act and took my trap. He gave in and we gambled for the last round. I then used the same trick that he did and won. I also addressed his way of cheating. Everyone apologized to me and the guy was left with a huge debt. At least, I am not the one with debt, my family is poorer than the rats, I wouldn't be able to pay it.

        If my family is poor, then how did I get here? Nothing too baffling, really. I just landed a nice scholarship for acing the entrance exam. Every one outside the school thinks that this is a very nice school without  a flaw. It is true that it is elegant and prestigious, but still, it is basically a gambling den filled with underage people.

      That was a month ago, by the way. My first gamble, I mean. I am now accustomed to the gambling sessions here. I rarely join, though. It is because I really am bad at gambling. I won my first gamble my sheer luck and a little bit of thinking, but, that's just it. I still suck.


 The president of the student council, Sakamoto Haru, is my best friend. He sometimes help me with my debts whenever I was forced to gamble. It's a good thing that I am close to him because he is kind of crazy in gambling and he's strict about it. It's scary if he gets mad. He's two years older than I am and he's been in the council for three years now. He's a great president if he was elected again and again like that.

       That's basically it. My life here at school. Study, be number one in studying, gamble a little and have a debt. The way of paying debt is easier because they don't force you to pay the whole debt immediately, you can pay it little by little until you complete it. Bullying is strictly prohibited too. Haru is the best school president, I swear.



A fairly short chapter for a first one. For those who are wondering, Kirari will appear on the next chapter. Any grammatical or spelling mistakes are quite normal at this point. I really don't have the time to re-view everything. Still, I apologize.

Have a nice reading experience.

-Miyamoto Mai, your author.

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