Chapter 7: Preposterous Proposal

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            "Keep staring or I'll devour you" I mouthed slowly to her. She's very smart but very predictable at the same time. She's probably going to ask me about her best-friend. I guess this is also her problem when she's gambling. She's good at assessing her opponents and understanding what they're plans are, but, she doesn't know how to make her own tricks to win. That's why she's stuck with debts. An intelligent person like her is a waste in gambling. It doesn't matter how much she predicts the moves of her opponents if she, herself lacks strategy. A few help and mentoring on her about gambling will surely make her unstoppable in the near future. what a nice pawn she would be.

        "Now, what should I put in her life-plan?"



        That woman! She's the cause of the chaos here. I should've expected her to be the president. She's a Momobami after all, it's in their blood to lead. Her actions are still not excusable, though. Whatever she did on Haru, I will not forgive her.

"Everyone is dismissed." The teacher-host announced in front.


      Kaede's body seemed to move on it's own at the moment. Ever her brain couldn't comprehend what she's feeling right now. A pumping feeling, close to palpitation; though, it could not be categorized as excitement nor nervousness. It really is more of agitation, anger and disgust that are rushing through her veins. A deep feeling of hatred towards a certain woman with a braided hair.

     She ran through the long hallways of the school without stopping, not even the calls of her classmates. She wouldn't be able to join their after school-study-session for now. She's a very respectful person and she apologizes every single time she bumps into someone for being a klutzy mess. But then again, this is a different situation right now. She didn't even bothered to look at the bunch of people she knocked down while running. 

       She finally reached her destination; the student council office. The student council office whose under command by her best friend a few weeks ago; now stolen by the same woman with braided hair. She no longer waited at the front door for anyone to let her in. She pushed both of the huge doors that gives the room privacy. Thank the Gods that the door isn't locked for she would surely look embarrassing pushing those doors without it opening. 

       At the center of the room, can be seen the assembly table where the council holds their meetings and paperwork. For now, the paperwork seemed to have vanished altogether. At the far end of the table, there sat the braided woman, Momobami. On her right side, there stood another person. Identity is hidden due to the mask that is covering her face. 

"Suzui-san, do you need anything?" Kirari spoke with her ever so gentle voice.

"Suzui? Kaede Suzui, then? She's the 'interesting pawn'?" The woman with the mask said in the unusual altered voice.

She Owns Me (Momobami Kirari Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang