Chapter 14: Kidnapped

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                     Kirari and Kaede's unconscious body was gone when the vice president came back for them in the basement. That's why, she is not supposed to be surprised when she saw the president carrying Kaede to their car. She's still surprised, though. What is Kirari planning to do now? Kidnap the young lady?

           The two of them got inside and the driver helped Kirari trying to sit Kaede next to her. Kaede's unconscious body ended up laying at the very spacious seat on their limousine. She took this chance to finally break the silence and ask her bonkers sister of what she's planning.

"Kirari." The vice president called out to Kirari.

"Yes? I assume you have questions." Kirari replied after a second of silence which only made Ririka even more frustrated.

"I'm just wondering as to why to brought her with us, she could've stayed at the school clinic so she can rest." Ririka said shyly. It's an amazement as to how she acts even around Kirari when another person is around.

"I told you I'm interested in her." Kirari chuckled at her own words.


"I thought you were interested in making her one of the student council members?"

"I'm still going towards that plan of course, I'm just interested in her in more possible ways."

"Would you mind elaborating? You lost me there." Ririka, the vice president, asked in confusion.

"I like her in a NON-platonic way, to put it more simple, I'm attracted to her sexually." Kirari said while staring at the unconscious body of Kaede.

"But---" Ririka tripped with her words trying to at least form a sense in her sentence. She never noticed that her sister is attracted to women. Well, to think about it, she never had anyone for a relationship. Hell, even friends are hard to get when it comes to Kirari.

    She's not against it though, being fruity, curved, not straight, or whatever you want to call it. In fact, she, herself, is having this problem. She's still trying to find herself, she's confused. Lately, she noticed this change when she's scrolling through a social media website. She was stalking her favorite singer, a woman; and well, she felt attracted to her. 

         "Just hold those thoughts later when we finish preparing for the night."Kirari said as she closed the door of their vehicle. Funny how she zoned out like that, she didn't even noticed that they are already at home and Kirari already got out. The driver was already carrying Kaede towards their mansion. She got herself straightened out and finally got out of the car. She took her sweet time walking towards their place though, her mind wanders through different things and it made her stare at the perfectly tended garden. 


      It is almost time for dinner and the Momobami twin are already seated at their long table. Ririka, still happily playing through her phone, noticed how silent Kirari is. Normally, her sister isn't like this. What they always do when they get back to their mansion, is to interact with each other while waiting for their surely luxurious dinner. They are always serious and cold when they go outside of the mansion or when there are other people; so, the only way they could be connected with each other is by chatting about how's each other's day once they are alone. Some quality time together, as they say. They are the only people in the head family that are left, so it's not a problem for them to at least talk to each other. There is no fight between the supposed heir too. Although, Ririka was born first by a few minutes; it is clear between them and the whole family clan that Kirari is the rightful heir. Kirari is the overall greater between them. Ririka on the other hand, was never upset about it. She actual was the one to push Kirari into being the successor. 

      After three minutes, three butlers and a maid came out of the kitchen and brought out the foods, arranging the foods in perfection to please their ladies. The two butlers and the maid left the dining room to tend to their other works, only a single butler was left near the table waiting for any orders to be said by the ladies. 

  The two of them were eating awfully quiet when Kirari broke the silence, though, she still did not spoke a word to her sister. Instead, she called out to the butler.

"Kenji." Kirari muttered in a low voice. Almost inaudible for Ririka to hear; but for some reasons, the butler heard it as clear as a sunny day.

"Yes?" Asked Kenji the butler while stepping closer to the dinning table gracefully to hear what her lady is up to now.

"Kaede Ryota, the unconscious woman I brought it today. I want you to prepare a bath, clean clothes she can sleep in and clothes that she can wear tomorrow, and of course call the family doctor to check her. If the doctor requires anything for her, get it as fast as possible."

"Of course, you can rest easy that the job is complete and perfect. I will call the doctor immediately." 

"Another thing." Kirari said before the butler can leave.

"Yes? is there anything else?"

"Just prepare the bath and clothes, I'll be the one to clean and change her. You can just leave the medicines in the bedside table and direct instructions from the doctor of when she'll have it.'

"But, You can just assign those things to us. We will do it as you say."

"You heard what I said. Just go." Kirari resumed to her meal.


        Ririka just stared at her dumbfounded. This time, she knows that her sister is serious about this. Seriously? Her sister is going to take care of the girl herself. That sounds impossible. Kirari is usually not the ones to the the activity or to get her hands dirty; so her sister wondered how the hell did she straight up said that Kirari will tend to Kaede personally without anyone's help. At this point, she just hoped that whatever this is, it will not affect the family, the plans for the school or Kirari's normal wellbeing.

       Whether her sister wants Kaede as a toy or a lover or a pet, she no longer cares. Just as long everything will be as good as normal. Better, if it's going to be better.



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