Chapter 3: Danger?

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"Momobami clan?!"

"She's from the Momobami clan?"

"Isn't that the biggest and the most powerful clan?"

"Yes, not only in Japan, but also in other countries."

"We'll be so lucky to crush this Momobami woman in gambling."

           It's lunch break right now and the only thing that I've been hearing is the Momobami Clan. If I remember our new transferee's last name, it is Momobami. That means she's the person they're all talking about. This is bad, people here don't like it too much if you stand out. 

     If I'm going to help her later, would it be a good choice or not? I mean, it's good if I help because the others won't be able to cheat throughout the game. But, there could be hard consequences if I help her. It's obvious that everyone is starting to hate her because she looks powerful; if I help her, I might be caught in between. I don't want that to happen. I already have a lot of things that I am taking care of. I can't put another problem to my arsenal.

          "I guess I'm going to watch for now."


"Huh? What is it?" I turned around to see my classmate in a hurry to get me back to the classroom.

"We need you to the room! Someone is going to challenge the transferee."

"Shit." we both ran to the room. 

          It seems that they are already explaining the rules. They are playing simple chess. Though, the stakes are probably going to be high.

"Since we only have  a few minutes before the class starts, we will only have 1 or 2 round; it will depend on the time that we have left. Every move that we make, we will need to raise our bet. When someone loses the round they will double there bets and surrender it to the round winner. Is that all right for you, sweetheart?" Kisaki said sitting on the opposite side of the table after winking to the transferee.

"Fine by me, how much is the starting bet?" Momobami asked.

"The minimum bet is 10,000 yen." He said.

"hmm." she murmured as though she's thinking about something.

"What is it sweetheart? is that too high for you?" Kisaki laughed.

"Not at all, it's quite the opposite actually. I have a question, though" she said.

"What is it?"

"Are you sure that you are going to win?"  she asked with playful tome in her voice.

"Of course, I am the best gambler here in our grade." he proudly bragged. 

"Very well then, let's start."

"Of course. For starters, I will place a bet of 20,000 yen, how's that sweetheart? Are you getting a cold feet? Go on and state your bet."

"Not at all. My bet will be 50,000 yen." she said. Everyone gasped at her bold move. Who in their right minds would bet something that high at the start of the game??


"I don't have that money right now..." said Kisaki in a low tone as if he's whispering to the air.

"I'll wait till the end of the month for your payment." she stood up and stared at our classmates as if waiting for them to do something.

"Everyone, the gamble is finished. Rearrange all of the seats and clean up the room. We only have 5 mins left before our teacher arrives." I said noticing what she wants them to do. After all of the seats were arranged, everyone cam back to their seats and prepared for our next period after lunch.

      This is her first day, and she already started  confusion and amazement to the people here. Coming to Hyakkaou as a well known person can attract many enemies and folly. Most of the wealthy students here are enrolled because of their parents. Is she one of them? One of them who are here just because of gambling and not really for education? Is it her parents that really brought her here?

    She came here obviously knowing that this school is crazy for gambling since she reacted very calm when she was challenged. She didn't hesitated to say yes to her first challenge. Then, she let Kisaki insult her many times without saying anything back, she's very composed. After that, she bets a huge amount that no one would do in the first round without knowing the probability of wining and losing, she also didn't care about the skills of her opponent, she clearly just go for it without much thinking. 

        This kinds of people are dangerous. They are compulsive yet does everything good for their side. I'd rather not get too close to her, a friendship is not even in the table.


            Momobami Kirari, member of the Momobami clan. She transferred here this sunday and started school this day. Someone like her doesn't have a simple objective for coming here. From the information that I just gathered, she's not only a member of the clan, but also the one who manages it. Her parents died on a business trip "accidentally"; though, they have so many competitors, it could be anyone that planned the death of the parents. No one knows that the original family clan head was gone. Kirari succeeded the seat behind everyone's back.

         Now, back to the question. What does she want here. It's utterly impossible for her not to want a high place here. It's impossible for someone as high as her to stay as a normal, dandy student. Does she want a seat in the council? If so, I would give her. She could be of great use in the school. I will be able to monitor her moves if she's in my council.

      She's not  game to play, but I'm sure I can handle her.



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She Owns Me (Momobami Kirari Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora