Chapter 11: Homeless

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              Two months, Two months of whole pressure and taunts from Kirari. why can't she just let me off the hook? The last time I encountered her was in class, after a few weeks, she finally decided to attend to our classes. Everyone respected her and gets out of her way, or maybe they are just nervous or scared like I do. 

        She also saw how the bullies treat us and she just watched happily; she didn't interfered the like the last time in the restroom. She even laughed and gave suggestions on how to make us suffer. She really is determined to break me apart. I'm not going to give in, though. Not until I get my revenge on her and Haru is back as the president. I still have to fulfill my promise to those two students back when I was in the basement. It's too bad they can't support me. If they do, I'm sure we could bring Kirari faster and they wouldn't have to suffer in long time.

*knock knock knock*

"Hold on, I'm coming!" I said as I stood up from my seat to look who's waiting by the door.

*furious knocking*

"Wait!" I said as I quicken my pace to the door. I swear, these people don't know the meaning of 'wait' is. I opened the door and there stood a middle aged woman. The landlady. Ahh, here we go again.

"I'm going to collect the rent now." said the landlady, clearly in a bad mood.

"If you would please let us extend for a few da---" I said trying to convince her that we will be able to pay soon.

"Enough with this!! It's been two months and you still haven't given me anything!"

"I know and I'm sorry, I promise, I will pay soon with how much interest you would want to add." I looked down as I try to stay calm.

"You and your empty promises! if you can't pay, just leave. I didn't put this place up for renting just so I can give shelter to rodents like you!"

"Madam, please. My brother and I needs a place to stay." I begged her.

"No can do young lady! By the end of the week, I want you, your brother and your filthy things out of my place. You hear me??" she said

"Yes Madam." I answered knowing for sure that there is no way to convince her to let us stay. Another problem to solve. Where on earth are we going to stay? The end of the week is in three days, I won't be able to find a place for us.


"Hello Sis, can I ask you a favor?" I called to my best friend.

"Uhh, what is it? I'll try to help if I can." she said over the phone. I told her what happened.

"We need a place to stay until we can find another place to rent." I said trying to reassure her that we will do our best not to bother her and her family.

"I'm sorry sis, My parents won't allow this. They won't even let me have a sleep over right now, they're strict and you know it. I'm really sorry." she said sympathetically.

"It's okay. I understand." I said.

"Text me if something comes up, I'll still try to help." she said.

"Of course." I said and I ended the phone call. I sighed as I think about the five phone calls I've had in the past hour. All failed, where are we supposed to go now. Ryota, my brother, still doesn't know what's going on. He doesn't know were getting evicted in three days. 

       There is only one person who I can still call, my last chance. My aunt from my mother's side. We are supposed to stay with her when my parents died, but she doesn't want "children that will only bother her", as she said. I slowly picked up my phone again as I hesitate to even type her number. I still do, though; after all, I'm not the one who sets the deal here, I don't have any choice. I dialed her phone and it just kept ringing. I waited for her to answer.

                                                      Please answer the phone.

"Hello, who is this?" my aunt said on the other line.

"It's me Kaede, auntie." I sighed.

"Why did you call? Did something happened to Ryota?" she asked frantically. I swear this woman only cares for my little brother. If I'm not included when the accident happen, she would've taken Ryota.

"We need your help."

"Help?" Here we go again. I explained what happened to her. Of course I left out the part about the gambling school and my debt.

"And how is that my problem?" she asked.

"We need a place to stay, auntie. If you wouldn't mind, can we stay---" I was cut off.

"No. I already told you years ago that I don't want children to bother me." she said.

"Auntie, please." I tried to beg her. 

"I already told you no young lady." she said, then she ended the call.

I called again, a plan to make sure Ryota will have a safe place to stay.

"Stop calling m--" I cut her off.

"Here me out please, I can make a deal with you instead." I said fast enough before she even attempts to end the call.

"Be fast, I don't have much time to waste." she said.

"Ryota, at least let Ryota stay with you."

"Just Ryota?" she asked.

"Yeah, Just Ryota."

"And you?"

"I'll find another place to stay, my school is here anyways." I replied.

"Very well then. I'll take care of your brother."

"Thank you."


"So, I'm going to stay with auntie for a while?" my brother, Ryota asked. 

"Yeah. I'll visit you once in a while, though." I replied.

"That's sad, I want to stay with you. Only if the landlady let us stay." he said. By this time, I already explained everything to him. I'm glad he accept it very maturely.

       We arrived at my aunt's place and I just dropped Ryota off. I said my goodbyes and handed him his stuff. After that, I left. Now, my only problem is where to stay. It's eaier now, though. Since I don't need to worry about Ryota anymore. This problem will be a little more manageable.

    Now, where should I go?



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Have a nice reading experience.


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