Chapter 6: Devour

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              The "tomorrow" came. The same as always, I wake up, prepare the things that I need to live and go to school. Today is different, though. I might be able to get the answer of my questions. All of our schedule from lunch to the afternoon class is wiped out, it is because the teachers wants us to prepare for the event later; which is the seat for the president. At 3 pm, I will be able to unfold whatever is happening. 

      Our morning classes went on with the usual flow. Though, you can discern the frame of mind of everyone. Everyone is trying to act normal and loosen, but you can clearly see the nervous looks and uneasy actions. Not only our grade level but also the others. Their usual exasperated looks are replaced. I, out of all the students here, the the most uneasy. They are agitated by the new and unperceived change of president. We don't know what will happen to our school by this sudden change. Haru is the one who always arranges the school affairs; what if the new president will neglect the duties? What if the new president changes the traditions and forbid the gambles. They are all scared of this.

    Again, mine is a different matter. This is not only the simple presidential seat. My best-friend's life might be affected; this is already certain. The only thing that we can do is to minimize the effect. Just who did my brother gambled with? For him to put his presidential seat in line and for him to lose; I have never imagined that we'd get to this point. 

        Lunch came, and every one rushed out of the classroom. At first I thought that they were of to the gambling dens again. But then, when I followed their path; they all rushed to the grand hall where events commence every time. Right, we have to prepare for the ceremony.

        The velvet red seat is placed in  the middle of the stage. Black carpet is spread on the floor of the grand hall. The red carpet on the other hand is being rolled in the middle towards the velvet seat as mentioned earlier. The cushioned silver chairs are placed in the hall filling every rows as it compliments the black carpet placed underneath. Different arrangements of flowers are being carried everywhere; but most of them decorated the back of the velvet seat. Seriously? Is this a presidential seat or a throne?

                 Haru never abused his power as the president for this kinds of embellishments and unneeded stuff. 

      Everyone is giving their maximum effort for this arrangements, even the teachers are way too busy. Funny, because we don't even know who our new president is. I'm wondering, is there anyway for us to get back the supposed seat of my best-friend again? If we can, then I'll do what ever I can just to give it to him. He helped me all this time. I probably wouldn't be able to study here if not because of him. The least I can do is to help him retain what once was his.


       The moment of truth is finally here. Any moment now, the new 'president' will open those massive doors that serves as the entrance of the hall. The whole class is already seated at the back. They are pretty strict about attending this ceremony so I had to check who's late or dared to give us their absence. Well, just a single person is missing. Momobami Kirari. That's odd, for I never saw her as the tardy person. She's that kind of person whose punctuality shines. Everything about her is in order, no mistakes and certainly no forgotten things.

      Everyone turned their heads to the direction of those massive, heavy doors. Shuffling of shoes can be heard outside. Is it the president? Or is it my late classmate, Momobami? 

Both of the doors opened and a silhouette of a person can be seen. The light behind the person is blocking the view, I can't see properly. Then the person walked, their elevated shoes creating a clacking sound on the floor before it reached the black carpet. It was just Momobami. My heart pounded as I shift in my seat uncomfortably. I really thought it was the president, turns out it's just the tardy classmate. 

"Momobami-san, tardiness next time won't be tolerated. The rules here are quite strict." I said as she neared our row of seats near the door. I was shocked because she is supposed to seat at the reserved chair in our row. But instead, she continued walking straight ignoring my words as if she didn't even heard a single sound. She kept on walking and now she reached the red carpet leading to the President's seat. She then ascended a few steps and proceeded to the velvet seat.

"No way..." I whispered through the air. 

     The hall is starting to get quite loud. Not loud as if someone's yelling but loud because of the hushed tones of the whispers of basically everyone. People are not expecting her to be the president. Sure, she's not to be taken lightly but no one expected that she can defeat the undefeated late president. 

    The ceremony started and it also ended in a bliss. For me it was fast since I was not really paying attention that much as to what they are announcing. I was far too busy thinking about what happened to Haru and their gamble. But, as far as I heard, they are changing the gambling system. I've also been hearing of this "pet" thing; though, I don't have much clue about it. The teachers then congratulated her. After this ceremony I am going to confront her. She's been looking around at the audience with her smirk. That is until, she stopped and looked at me dead in the eyes. I've been caught staring at her.

As unexpected and weird as it is, she mouthed while looking at me:

           "Keep-sta-ring-and-I'll- de-vour- you."

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