Chapter 4: Devil Take The Hindmost

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             The hours of learning is finished for the day. My report got a perfect mark; and since I am done with reporting, all I have to do during science class is to listen to the other's report. I do hope they do it good, because my favorite subject would be boring if they don't tackle their report well. 

          The students are now hurrying to different gambling dens, whenever the bell rings ; the students tend to disappear in our classroom like a bubble and reappear like a ghost on those dens. I, on the other hand, is just sitting still on our classroom, finishing all of the assignments given to us. I don't have the desire to gamble, so, might as well finish everything so I won't have to worry about them later. 

"Suzui-san?" I looked up to the person talking to me. 

"Momobami-san? Do you need anything?" I asked. Yes, when I looked up, I ended up seeing the white colored hair woman with the piercing blue eyes. 

" I was confused about what's happening. It seems that the students went missing for some reason." she asked tilting her head. Cute. 

"Oh, is that so? Well most of them, moved in a haste after the bell rings. They don't go to their respective homes nor any school clubs though." I answered.

"Ara, where do they go then?" she asked.

"Gambling dens. As you already know, this school has a gambling tradition. Not only that, the students are also addicted to it." 

"I can see why this school is impeccable now." she said. For some reason, it seemed that her cute approach to me fell and her true nature of gambling came out.

"Is there anything that you still need?" I asked wanting to finish my assignments so bad so I can go to our store.


"And that is?"

"Would you mind showing me the whole campus? I always get lost." she said.


"This is the pool area where the swimmers always practice for competitions."

"The school must be cultivating sports, then?" she asked because this is one of the may building inside the campus that is made only for sports. We have an Ice rink, volleyball court, basketball court, Tennis, table tennis room, Badminton court and many others. 

"Yes, This school is the most competitive in Japan. We also have different review center for academic competitions like Mathematics, Science, English/Language and History. After Academic, we also have theater arts. The stadium over there is where we practice and perform."

"Impressive, How about you Suzui-san? Do you have any sports?"

"Sadly, I don't do sports. I am mostly academic. My current clubs and competitions right now are English/Language and Science. Aside form that, I do Chess and Theater arts."

"You are the smartest in the room, yes? Though, I am wondering about why you are not with the others gambling."

"I'm not sure if I'm the smartest in the room. To answer your second question, I just don't like gambling that much, I am not that good either." I was the smartest in the room, but when you came, I know that you are smarter than anyone who ever stepped in this campus.

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