Chapter 8: The System

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          A new day, A new day for Kaede to prepare for her brother's stuff and her issues in life. She's looking tired as ever. After what happened yesterday, she didn't stopped raking her brains out; and yet, she still couldn't think of any solution to help her best-friend. Well, to make it even nastier, she doesn't even know where Haru is staying right now. 

      And now, she even has to go to school. Why can't the fates be biased to her for once. It would be good if it's weekend today; but no, the fates decided for it to be a school-day and make her suffer. 


NEWS PAPER ENTRY (HEADLINE) : A new school and gambling system has been signed by the Student Council President. The classes will be temporarily stopped for a broadcast discussion for the specifics of the new system. A live broadcast will follow after the discussion led by the Student Council President herself: Momobami Kirari. 

       And that's what happened today. The moment Kaede stepped in the school, people were running around holding the latest newspaper published only an hour ago by the newspaper club. The students were all grabbing the newspaper anywhere and it ran out pretty soon, they had to print more. Kaede on the other hand, didn't wait for the re-print of the newspaper, she decided to just ask the class secretary about the newspaper. The "gossip lover" secretary happily gave her one of the two copies she kept for herself.

     The headline didn't made her too shocked nor exasperated. She knew that a new system will be placed since Momobami mentioned it on their talk. Though, she is not excited to know what kind of system it will be. 

       They waited for 7:30 to commence, seeing that it is the normal start of their classes; they also waited for those who are running late. Then, seemingly controlled by a single remote, all of the TV screens of every rooms and classes, even the TVs in the hallways, lit up and started a broadcast. It first said the name of the new school and gambling system: "Pet System"; then it explained what it is all about.

     It is said that every gamble should have a dealer/witness/audience to avoid mistakes, cheats, and to prove the stakes. Then, the person who loses should be able to pay his/her debt in the right time or before the monthly ranking re-view. The monthly ranking re-view is the job of student council members, it is to check who gambles the most and who doesn't and those who have debts. Those who don't pay their debts before the end of month will be placed in a low rank. Also, those who refuse to gamble will be placed in a low rank too. Now, what is the purpose of the ranking system? Those who are in the lowest of the low ranks will be a Pet. What does a pet mean? It means that you will have to serve the ones in a higher rank than yours. You will not be able to refuse anything they say or do to you. How do we distinguish the Pet and other students? The Pets are marked by a specific necklace. There is also another punishment given to the Pets; they will be given a "Life Plan" that states everything that they should follow for the future. It is pre-planned by the Student council members and signed by the president.

"The New School System will start now. All of the unsettled debts should be payed by the end of the month, two weeks from now." the broadcast said.

       That's basically the whole explanation. Everyone was so happy, except for Kaede. Everyone is  so happy about it because they get to order around the lower people. Though, Kaede is not happy at all. She knows what would happen if this continues. Students will be bullied and humiliated. The name "Pet" already screams humiliation, it will mean that they are not seen as a person, only a pet, a slave. The life plan is another proof of this.

      Also, because of these rules, everyone will be forced to gamble, or else your rank will go down and you'll become a pet. Kaede will no longer be able to say no to gamble requests. She knows that it will not end up good for her.  The New System has started already too. Her debt is still left un-payed. She doesn't have Haru to help her either. If Haru is here, he wouldn't let this happen to the school he always took care of.


     She came home with sigh, just how is she going to pay all that debt? They are already in a tight budget right now and their store isn't having a great time too. She'll probably become a pet and she won't be able to do anything about it.

"Sister?" Suzui Ryota said, her younger brother.

"What is it, Ryo?" she asked.

"Nothing, did someone bully you at school?" He innocently asked.

"No one's bullying me, Ryo." she said tiredly.

"Why do you look so sad and stressed then?"

"It's nothing Ryo."

"I swear, If you would just let me go to your school so we can study together, no one would bully you, I'll protect you."

"HAHAHAHAHA, you don't know anything about my school Ryo. Just  keep on studying and you'll get to a better university."

"fine" he said grumpily.

'I just hope that you'll never step on that school of mine, Ryo. You'll just get in trouble if you do.' she said internally.



Sorry for any mistake, I couldn't re-view it. 

Have a nice reading experience.


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