Chapter 10: The Perfect Slavery

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             From that day, in the restroom, the terrors that the school brings her, became even more frightening. If any of you thought that what happened that day at the cubicle is the worst and most embarrassing, then we're all sure that you won't be able to survive what she's going through right now. The number of people that bothers her right now, gradually increased. Everyday, the number of people that sees her with the necklace makes her embarrassed or humiliated in one way or another. 


             The truth is, she is expecting for the teachers to step in and protect some of the students, but no, they just became bystanders and watch how the bullying is progressing everyday. Normally, the bullies in a private school only talks bad and targets the emotion of a person; though, in this private school, the bullies also partakes in a bullying that hurts their target physically. 

           There's this one time; a girl with a relatively long blonde hair, a real beauty but labeled a pet; was tied up in this "stroller" used for pushing big luggage and other heavy stuff. She was lying there, her whole body is securely tied on the "stroller" while they push it around in a dangerously fast manner. The girl was absolutely terrified and can do nothing but to scream and cry. Eventually, they got tired of her screaming and crying in fear; so, they gagged her with this dirty rag. Of course, they still continued their game of pushing the stroller fast in any direction as they please. A lot of students came to watch as they tie and push the "kitty" around. They basically do it everyday and whenever they deemed necessary to please themselves. And the bullies do noticed the cramming crowd of students to watch their "little show", as they call it. The bullies, having a horrifyingly creative minds, wanted to please their audiences. So, they decided to spice things up and make their "little show" more enjoyable. They found this another pet in the corner, a boy this time, and tied his whole body up. They left him in the floor struggling to get out of the ropes that held him tightly; though, this movement caused laughter in the crowd because of his "worm-like" movements. After leaving the boy on the floor, they pushed the girl with the stroller in his direction. Their plan was pretty simple, they wanted to stroller to hit the tied-up boy. The worst part of this is that, after they played with the girl and the boy, they left them still tied up somewhere, not even caring that they are probably injured and needs to be tended. The teachers also watched or saw what was happening at that time, but they simply brushed it off and continued in their merry way to their classes.

       The blonde girl, was an acquaintance of Kaede. She's not sure if this is about Kirari scaring her more or just coincidence that the blonde girl has a big debt. Kaede actually never saw what they did to the blonde girl and the other boy; but she's the one who actually found them somewhere in a basement. She was tasked, or rather forced to clean the old, stinking basement. She found the tied-up people there unconscious; she even thought that the boy was dead because of how much blood stained his white blouse. She freed them and tended to their wounds. They still stayed and hid in that basement until the two woke up, though. Kaede can't risk being caught helping other pets; she also had to finish her task to clean the basement so she had time to check up on the two.

     When they woke up, the two were confused as to where they are. Of course, still scared and weak; they didn't left the basement just yet. Kaede reassured them that they are fine for now and that she found them here and tended to their wounds. They were grateful for Kaede. They said that they would repay Kaede for helping them someday in any way they can.

 "Would you really want to repay me?" Kaede asked.

"Of course Suzui-san." the both of them said.

"You don't need to repay me with money or anything."

"How can we help in any way then Suzui-san? You are also a pet, right?" They asked seeing the necklace hanging around her neck.

"Well yes, but I don't care about that that much. I just need your support for something." Kaede said looking down.

"Help for what?" said the boy.

"We'll try to help if we can." said the blonde girl.

"The new President, Momobami Kirari. She all planned this. I am planning to bring her down in one way or another."

"You won't succeed" said the girl. Now, Kaede was compelled to look up at the two. They already seem unsupportive.

"Why do you think is that?" she asked. 

"Because that is simply foolish! We all know that the President planned all of this to make us suffer." the boy said with a newfound anger. Kaede didn't comment on anything and just stayed silent knowing well that the two has something else to say.

"She probably has ways to make anyone to disappear on the planet if they just offend her in any way!" she continued the boy's dialogue. 

"It might seem impossible, but I'll make sure to take her down slowly but surely!" Kaede said frustrated to convince the two.

"I'm sorry Suzui-san, I'll just repay you in another way. But I won't be helping you with what you are planning." said the boy sadly.

"The same goes for me Suzui-san. What you are planning is suicide, look at what they did to us. They could've killed us." the girl said. Kaede stood up from where she's sitting.

"No need to repay for anything. Just wait you two. I'll bring her down, I promise." she said walking towards the door. The door opened and the light blinded the two that she left in the basement.

Let's just all hope that this time, promises are not meant to be broken.

    Kaede couldn't think straight for hours now. Just what kind of manipulation and scary things did the bullies do to those two. It must be beyond terrifying for them to lose hope like that. It's just a full month since this system started, the effect is too fast. She hopes that not all of the students are getting hopeless now. She definitely needs a lot of help from every hands that she can take. Haru is still not found, something bad could've happened to him by now. She needs to bring Kirari down fast so that everything will be back in order again. 

    This is not her only problem for now, though. Their bills are stacking up. Their store already used up all of its saved up money to pay some of their bills, but still not enough. She already payed the water and electric bill that took her two months to pay. She really needed to pay that or else, they will cut their connection and that could not happen. And even if they had to cut it, she would still need to pay their debt to the water and electric company. She had no choice. And now, the bigger problem is their rent. 

She's gonna have to beg the landlady to let them stay and wait for another month for a payment.



Sorry for any grammatical or spelling mistakes. I don't have the time to re-view everything. 

Have a nice reading experience.


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