Chapter 16: The Vice President

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           "Tomorrow" came, and Y/n just finished changing her clothes. One of the maids informed her that she will be joining the breakfast instead of the food being delivered. So, she changes her clothes and tried to look presentable, not like last night where she looked so weak and disheveled. She tried putting on some powder and some liptint that simply lying on the vanity mirror. At this point, she no longer cares who owns these clothes and makeup, they're probably connected to Kirari.

"Are you ready now?" asked someone behind her. She turned her head around to see Kirari. She was so absorbed by her thoughts that she didn't even heard the woman enter the bedroom and the walk in closet.

"Yeah" she answered warily. Even though this white haired girl took care of her last night doesn't mean that she is no longer scared of what Kirari  could do to her in  the future. She simply can't overlook what happened in the past. Deep inside, she still blames Kirari for everything that is happening and will happen in school. Especially what she did to Haru. Though, she is still in denial that her hard feelings for Kirari are starting to soften.

"Then let's go now. I'll give you a tour around this place and bring to the dining area, we'll eat breakfast then."

"Okay." She hoped that nothing weird will be seen in this place and nothing too disturbing.

       As promised, Kirari did toured her in some parts of the house, if you can still call it a house, that is. This "House", is too massive to tour around in one go, that is why, Kirari suggested that they go on and eat breakfast first before continuing their tour if she still wants to later. They got to the dining area. Well, at this point, I think you can call it  a dining hall. It's so big. The walls are all painted with violet. The carpet are red that matched the mahogany color of the wooden furniture. The table stretched out and could fit a lot of people, it is matched with the velvet table cloth with frills and elegant embellishments in the corners. The plates were all assembled in front of every chair together with its shining cutleries. 

       She was so focused with the things around her that she only noticed another presence of a person when the person spoke up. Kirari sat at the end of the table, Kaede on her left side and the other woman at Kirari's right. Yes, this woman was masked, the vice-president. The food was served and it looked even more appetizing now that she is in a real dining hall and not in the room. It smells great too. It's like the food is inviting her to take a bite. But, her manners kicked in and asked Kirari if they are the only one's who is going to eat right now.

"Yes, The truth is, The only people in this place is me and..... well, my sister. The others are the butlers and the maids. They're not even staying here, they are living in a separate mansion."

"Oh, is that the mansion outside?" she asked in shocked. In a castle like mansion, who would've thought that only two people stayed there. And their only companions, which are the servants, still live in a different place. The one thing she's curious about is the sister. No one ever mentioned that the president has a sister. She didn't asked for now.

"Yes, the mansion that you pointed out earlier when we were in the garden. The food might get cold, It's best if we eat now." Kirari smiled.

       They did started eating. And wow, Kaede  was hungrier than she looked, she still kept her manners, though. She doesn't want to look like an ignorant fool in front of classy people. Still, her appetite grew smaller when her confusion took over. The vice principal, who was sitting right across her, never touched her food, she just stared at Kaede. That is weird and disturbing. So she couldn't help herself but to stare at the masked woman. Of course, nothing goes unnoticed by Kirari. She noticed this behavior and what caused this. The vice principal, which doesn't go around showing her face to everyone, didn't want to take off her mask since Kaede is here. This, of course, made it impossible to eat because her mask is on the way. Kirari simply chuckled at this.

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