Chapter 12: Basement Dorm

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               Who would've known that the very basement that I was tasked to clean up would be a  place to stay? This school doesn't have any dorms that I could stay into so I made my own here. Here in this basement. It's not the best place to stay, but I have got no choice to think of. 

         I sneaked from the back gate of the school. I didn't even know that I can jump that high to climb the school gate. The back was the best option for me since The guards are mostly staying at the main entrance. I was at the last hall that I need to walk through before I finally get to the secluded area that has the basement. I almost got caught there, The Head of the Cleaning department was checking if everything is in order for tomorrow's classes. Good thing I found this big closet immediately where I hid for a few minutes just to wait for his disappearance. This is something I'm going to have trouble with, every night. I need to hide very carefully.

      When I arrived at my destination, the basement, everything was in order just like how I left it. The only out of place among the things there is the bloody cloth that I used to clean up the wounds of the two pets that were bullied. I quickly gathered everything that I could from the wood planks and cartons to the ropes that were used to tie up the two that I helped. I assembled my things in a haste, next is my make shift bed. The planks and a bunch carton certainly helped; but it is not certain whether it will cause me a backache or a stiff neck when I wake up, if I somehow don't get caught that is. 


    That morning, well, not really a morning. Because you see, I need to wake up early to sneak in and at least take a shower in one of the bathrooms. That's my point of waking up at 4 am in the morning, to take a shower, fix myself and to sneak in without anyone being suspicious of what I do. I know it's not going to be a long time before someone discovers, but at least it would help if it takes much longer. 

     This school day was no different than the others. Though, it went quite well for me. Aside from cleaning someone's shoe, they didn't ordered me to do anything else. This gave me time to  catch up on the lessons and assignments that I've been pushing at the back of my head for the last few days. It's quite hard to think of assignments when you are worrying about you and your brother's living arrangements. Now is the best time to catch back on all of it before another problem comes in. 

    I got back to the basement a little fast, it was easy to sneak when most of the students are ignoring you and busy gambling somewhere. There, I finish my new report in history class. One of the really nice things about staying here in school is that, you can use free Wi-Fi and do your stuff and research. You can also clean yourself, use the electricity, sneak into the kitchen and get some food; I guess the best thing is that you don't have to pay or worry about the piling bills. You have to sacrifice a nice bed, though; and you always have to be cautious doing this. I'm not too about this, hell, what I'm doing is illegal. But I have to do what I have to do to survive, no question about it. Plus, I'll be leaving this place as long as I can get back on my own feet again. 



"I followed her, president." 

"And where is she off to?" I asked in irritation, why can't they just get on with the information, they always have to waste my time.

"She was headed to the 3rd upper basement, on building one."

"You can leave now, I'll ask for you if I need you again." I dismissed them.


     Interesting. So she took refuge here, huh? Another step closer to make you mine Kaede. 

      Good thing that I got her followed and continuously investigated. Funny how she begged that old woman to make her stay. That old woman wanted so much money that she didn't cared for two minors to go homeless. How cruel people really are; just like how big fishes eats the little scared fish. 

"Ririka." I called to my sister.

"hmm?" she asked while staring at her phone,

"Tell every staff of the school to avoid 3rd upper basement as much as possible, day or night. Have someone spread the word." I said.

"Okay. It's for her isn't it?"

"That's one way to put it."

"I thought you wanted her to suffer. It looks like you're helping her sneak in and out peacefully." she said chuckling.

"Wait for my plans, sister." 


"Another thing."


"Call the Mori Gang."

"Mori Gang? The filthy thugs of this school?"


"What for, sister. Don't tell me you like someone there." she teased.

"It's not good for you to be on my bad side sister." I snarled at her.

"It's just a joke, geez. Again, what for?"

"They'll going to give Kaede a surprise visit in the basement while she sleeps."

"You're planning to get her beat up? She's just a girl Kirari. Have some little mercy for your toy." she said looking quite serious.

"Not beat up. Just something really traumatic."




      As Kaede prepared for her sleep, she couldn't escape this weird feeling that something is going to happen tonight. She's not sure if it's good or bad; just hoping for the best. She pushed it aside for now and try to get some sleep. She has to wake up earlier than the usual tomorrow just to be safer. She just hoped that what she's feeling is just paranoia. It's been a week since she started staying at the basement and since then, nothing much happened. Something happened that made almost everyone never approach the 3rd basement, which works for her own good.

      She woke up from her sleep, not because of her quiet alarm on her watch to wake her up every day, but because of footsteps. Footsteps of a lot of people. I s she just being delusional or paranoid? She's probably going to be caught now and brought to the principal's office in the morning.

The footsteps got louder and louder..... and soon... stopped in front of the basement's door.



   It's been quite long since my last update. Sorry for any misspelled words or grammatically wrong sentences, if there is any. Thank you for those who still reads this. Please Vote, Comment and Follow.

Have a nice reading experience.


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