Christmas decorating

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(Hey, guys, before this chapter begins I just wanna apologize for my sudden hiatus for pretty much all my stories- aha- I know I kept saying that I was gonna get started on some new chapters and stuff, but I'm sorry that I never did. I've had writer's block for a few months along with the fact that my motivation had kinda crumbled away- but I feel like I've improved, and I hope you enjoy this chapter ^^ also if you wanna friend me on Discord, my user is Professional_Simp#8588)


It was getting around Christmastime, and like every year, Fresh was eager to decorate. So he called Error over to his apartment, asking him to help him decorate, "please tell me you have the decorations and crap, 'cause I'm not gonna go shopping with you for decorations." Error grumbled, "don't worry, glitchy, I have all the stuff." Fresh chuckled and opened a big which was filled with ugly snowmen decorations and horrid Christmas sweaters.

"Wanna help me now?" Fresh asked with his stupid grin. Error sighed and nodded, kneeling down on the other side of the bin, "yeah, sure."

"Radical!!" Fresh exclaimed. Error rolled his eyes and pulled out a little snowman decoration from the bin. Error glared at it.

"Relax, glitchy bro, it's just snowman." Fresh said, "yeah. A really fucking ugly one."

"Just go put it on that shelf over there." Fresh pointed to a shelf across the room. Error stood up and gently placed the snowman on the shelf. Error poked at the tip of the snowman's nose which resembled a carrot. Error looked back at Fresh, only to see that he was struggling to put the star on top of the un-decorated Christmas tree. Error sighed quietly and walked over to Fresh, "here lemme help you." Error grabbed Fresh by his waist and lifted him up. Fresh froze at his action and blushed slightly, "c'mon, you gonna put the star on or what? I can't hold you forever." Error snapped, "oh- right- sorry, bro." Fresh and placed the star on the top of the tree.

"Yeah, whatever. I'm guessing you got a shorter host again. " Error set Fresh down, "anything else you need me to do, dork?"

"Uh- yeah. Can you get the ornaments out?" Fresh asked. Error nodded and dug around in the bin for a bit before pulling out a smaller box with ornaments inside, "thanks." Fresh took the box from Error and opened it. Fresh dug around in the box for a couple seconds before a sudden expression of confusion plastered upon on his face, "what?- what's this?" Fresh pulled out a small plastic weed looking thing on it, holding it above him and Error, "that's... mistletoe.." Error said. A sudden realization came to Fresh. He'd been learning more and more things about Christmas for the past few weeks and one of the things he learned was the meaning behind mistletoe.

Error blushed at the sudden though of kissing the other. It would be.. nice.. the thought of him and Fresh melting into a deep, passionate kiss... Error was blushing more at the thought and stepped forward.

"bro- we don't have to-" Error grabbed Fresh's face and pulled him in for a kiss, Fresh dropping the mistletoe. Fresh blushed deeply and processed the situation for a few moments before kissing back. Error pulled him closed and closed his eyes. Oh how he loved this feeling.. it was so much better than he imagined. He wanted to stay like this forever. Fresh cupped Error's cheek and tilted his head slightly.

After a few moments, the glitch pulled away from their kiss and opened his eyes, blushing slightly.

".. I guess I don't really have an excuse for kissing you, but.. I-I'm just gonna say it. I love you.. Fresh. I never realized how much I did until now. I know I've been a cranky jackass to you this entire time, but I hope you know that I-I do love you.." Error finished his little speech with a quick kiss on Fresh's lips.

Fresh stayed silent for moment before smiling, "I.. I love you too, bro." Error smiled a little and chuckled softly, "wanna continue decorating?" He asked.

"Never thought you'd ask." Fresh smiled.

(I hope you enjoyed that chapter!! I also want to let you guys know that I'm gonna start taking requests in this book again!! Let me know if you have any ideas!!!)

Errorfresh oneshots (REALLY FUCKIN OLD AND CRINGY‼️)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon