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Age: Unknown

Species; One of Cypher's Split Personalities

Occupation: Nazi Officer

Skills: Brute strength

Peak human durability
Peak human stamina
Fast regeneration
Master marksmanship
Mastery in deception
Vast weaponry
Melee weapon mastery
Parkour capabilities
Guerrilla warfare
Advanced military protocols
Knowledge in explosives
Driving mastery

Powers: Darkness Manipulation
Bones Manipulation

Hobbies: Parkour, Smoking, Executing People rather for amusement, Committing Arson...

Note: Hatred is Cypher's split personalities based upon his HATRED for society... and people who bothers him... he manifested when Cypher snapped after an incident that some bystanders are pestering him... he murdered the innocent bystanders... and proceeded to cause carnage


Age: Unknown

Species: One of Cypher's Split Personalities

Occupation: Nazi Doctor/Scientist

Skills: Incredibly high level of intelligence

Expertise in fields of biology, robotics and AI
Access to advanced technology and super weapons

Powers: Stealing Powers/Power Absorption

Hobby: Inventing new weapons.

Conducting experiments.

Note: He was manifested when Cypher was first trying to fixed... a simple robot he made.... he manifested... only when Cypher wears glasses or... Cypher was having difficulty on robotics or experimental works...


Age: Unknown

Species; One of Cypher's Split Personalities
Absorbed Soul

Occupation: Nazi Soldier and Head Demolitions Expert

Skills: Very high intelligence


Powers: Killer Queen:
Turning things into bombs
Sheer Heart Attack:
Superhuman durability
Ability to seek heat
Automatic nature
Ability to explode
Bites the Dust:
Temporal Rewind
Automatic activation upon Kira's identity being revealed
Ability to protect the person afflicted
Stray Cat:
Projectile Air Bombs

Hobby: Watching Anime (Mainly Jojo's Bizarre Adventure), Smoking, Causing Things to Explode,

Note; Rover is once and ordinary kid... who was accidentally shot to death by a gang member.. who was also killed... Cypher would come across this kid... and tries to save him... but he instead... absorbed his soul... and turns him to his split personality and took the role of a Nazi Officer... he even achieved the powers of Kira Yoshikage stand Killer Queen a character from his favorite anime show Jojo's Bizzare Adventure... he was also turned from a kid to a young teen... he was currently alive and in Cypher's mindscape...

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